Page 35 of The Society

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“What are you doing, Riley?” Roman stood in the doorway, leaning casually against the frame of the closet as I finally pulled down the right box.

“Are you looking for that little pea shooter?” His lip curled into a sneering smile. “You might as well use a slingshot.”

“You went through my stuff?” A hint of red colored my vision. I shook out my hands, trying to get rid of the rage tremors. He backed out of the closet, and I dropped the box since my prize was no longer inside. “My dad gave me that gun.”

“I’ll get you a new one. Something with a little bit of firepower, something worthy of you.”

“Fuck you, Roman. You nosy bastard. Give me my gun back.” I was shouting now because I felt caged, cornered, spied on, with no way to get free. His gaze burned up my body from my feet to my tits and back. “What? Do I have to fuck you to get it back? Is that the kind of relationship we have now?” I unfastened my pants and let them drop as I walked, then stepped out of them.

“Put your pants on, Riley. You can’t kill the detective. You’re too pretty for prison and orange isn’t the new black.” He sighed like I was the one testing his fucking patience.

And that he wasn’t taking me seriously didn’t make me like him more. I shook my head and stalked back to where I had dropped my pants and snatched them off the floor. As I stood and shoved my legs into them, he wrapped his arms around me from behind. Moved my hair so he could kiss the side of my throat.

“Stop.” I wasn’t in the mood for anything but the kill, even when he nuzzled my neck, and I tilted my head. I tried to move away, but he held me.

“I’m not trying to fuck you, Riley. You just have to calm down.” His hand caressed small circles on my belly, and whether I wanted to hold onto the fury or not, some of it faded. More so when his voice dropped low. “You have to learn control. It’s easy to kill a man but holding yourself together when shit gets real afterward is the real test of character.”

“I don’t remember character being a fucking requirement for your little club.”

His lips curved against my ear. “Character isn’t. Control is.” He slid his hand down the front of my pants, curled them into my pussy. “Control your breathing.”

I pulled in a slow inhale and released it evenly. “You sure you want to use sex to teach me control?” I took another slow breath and concentrated on not bending my knees to ride his hand, on not gasping when he took his fingers out to rub my clit.

“Sex can be a weapon or a weakness.” But his voice was husky. Maybe he was the one who needed his control tested.

“Which is it for you?”

“It’s certainly not a weakness.”

And if that wasn’t a challenge, nothing ever was.

“Let’s see, shall we? Can you put your money where your mouth is?” I twisted away and refastened my jeans, although I had absolutely no idea when heunfastened them.

“I can put my fingers where my mouth is.” He licked my juices away, then sucked as I moved to the bookshelf, pulled a copy of “Fifty Shades,” and walked it back to him.

I flipped through until I found one of the sex scenes and held it out until he took it. “Read to me.”

He shot me a side-eye, then started to read and, to his credit, only stopped for a second when I unbuttoned his slacks and pushed them out of the way so I could swirl my tongue over the head of his cock.

I wrapped my hand around him and stroked while he moved down the page, his voice stilted, his breaths shallower than before. I didn’t ask how he was doing because my mouth was full, but I didn’t have to be a genius to know he wasn’t as controlled as he insisted I should be.

He thrust his hips and stopped reading to tangle his fingers in my hair. “Fuck, Riley.” He tossed the book away and watched me.

It only took a few slow, deep sucks before his fingers tightened along with every muscle in his legs, and he groaned deep in his chest. Then he came. His knees bent and he threw his head back.

When he finished, I pulled away and stood. I watched him tuck himself back into his slacks and zip his fly. He reached for me, and I smiled. “Now,whoneeds to learn control?” He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head while I listened to the fast but steady beat of his heart. “Iamgoing to kill her.”

He nodded and brushed my hair back. “Be patient, sweetheart.”

I could be patient. I could wait for a little while for them to “okay” the inevitable, but not forever. I nodded.

But by morning, after a night of cuddling with Roman and dreaming of fucking him beside her dead body, I was rested with something to look forward to.

My car was parked in the circle drive when I left the house to go to school. Detective Hall was sitting on the steps.

“Asher come to his senses?” It was ugly, and I regretted it as soon as I said it. There was no reason to antagonize her and give myself away. “I’m sorry.” I wasn’t, and I still wanted to kill her.

“That’s okay. I get it. Your boyfriend is… powerful.” I nodded, and she cocked her head. I stepped past her on the steps and moved onto the stamped concrete near the oil spot my car was currently dripping. “But Riley.” She grabbed my arm, and I looked down at her hand. I was going to cut it off and keep it when I killed her. “When I take Roman down—and I will—if you don’t help me, you’re going down with him.”
