Page 44 of The Society

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You know the stories Rue loves to write. The ones filled with heroes who make you swoon, anti-heroes who smile viciously as the world burns down around them, just as long as the woman they love stands at their side… Then there are the happily ever afters that bring you to your knees whether you want to be there or not.

If you can’t find Rue sitting in her office or on the deck staring at the trees, she might be found curled up in a blanket in the middle of the summer or hiding in plain sight in a book store while she enthusiastically chats up strangers like it’s her job.

Read more about Rue and her other stories at



About Angela

Angela Sanders is aUSA Todaybestselling author. She's a multi-genre author of all things romance, fantasy, as well as supernatural and psychological thrillers (the sky's the limit!).

As a retired Navy Chief, wife, and mother, Angela lives in Kentucky where she enjoys writing, editing, reading, or all three. She's a known coffee addict and audiobook hoarder.

Invisible Torture



Adali Gale

I'm going to get my way. Just wait and see.

I'm a prisoner in my father's house. He's threatened to marry me off to someone fifty years older than me, but I can't. When he leaves me with Neo and his father, I'm sure this is the end of my life. I don't know whether Neo's father has a plan, but I fear whatever they have up their sleeves will either give me freedom or get me killed.

Neo Foster

Money is my game, but when my father messes up, putting us in a bind, he is forced to make a deal with Eric Gale. The deal might just end up getting us killed.

Our house is invaded by thugs, and I have to strike hard to defend Adali. Tragedy brings us closer together, but our lives together could easily fall apart. If we don’t get this right, we’ll both be dead by evening.


Adali Gale

I'm as sweet as cherry pie, a perfect lady, and a liar through and through. I've learned from the best. My mother, Valery. Well, she's actually my adopted mother. My real mother was a liar, too. She just didn't survive her lies.

My name means ‘God is my refuge,’ and I think it must be true because this place sucks. Home isn't where my heart is. Instead, it's a prison. After Eric sent me into lockdown, requiring a guard to be at my side at all times, I've only gained freedom once, and it was for a good cause. Me.

The Grand Caymans is a beautiful island country. They also have beautiful banking regulations that some douche didn’t blow up. Don’t know about the douche cannon who ruined Swiss banking? Yep, some frat boy from the USA fucked everything up for those private bank accounts people had before the early 2000s.

It’s not that I want to defraud the IRS. Instead, I know what’s coming for me, and I’ve got money squared away, ready to take advantage of when the time is right. I just need that money to grow. Once I pull that trigger, it’s all over.

My father thinks he's so smart. He believes he'll be able to pawn me off on some old jerk. But I won't marry the old man he chooses. No way in hell I'm ever going to say "I do" to some old man who I don't even know.

Dad has no clue I’ve opened a bank account in the Caymans. I don’t intend to tell him about the account. They’ve been watching me like a hawk for years now, but even hawks have to eat.

I’m going to get my way. I won’t marry some useless old man, and I’ll have the life I want. Time is my greatest weapon. A few more years and I’ll have something in place, something I can fall back on, and my daddy won’t be able to stop me.

A knock sounds on my door, and I step over, pulling it open. Yes, I still live at home with my parents. I don't have locks on my door, and I have to allow my parents access to my social media accounts. I also have to hand my phone over to them before going to my bedroom. They regulate everything about my day and night. But once I'm free, I'll never have to do what they say.

"Your father needs to see you," Valery says. She's Mom, but not my birth mother. Before I turned sixteen, they were normal parents, strict, but normal. Then they chipped away at my freedoms, taking one thing, then another. At first, I thought they would ease up, but it’s almost to the point I can’t go pee without them knowing about it.

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right down.” I won’t be rude to them. Maybe they deserve to be screamed at, but it wouldn’t solve anything.

Eric Gale, my father, has a secret—well, a lot of secrets. For a while, I thought he was my biological father. He’s not. I did one of those DNA kits back when I had a little freedom. I found out my real dad was as dead as my mother. Both of them made stupid decisions that got them killed.
