Page 72 of The Society

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Gale has put everyone at risk. And why the fuck is there a filthy rich dude living this close to Stonewall, and we haven't taken them into the society?

Someone speaks, but it's French, and I don't quite get the meaning. I know some French, and I could get through Paris without too much trouble, but that's all asking where the train is, or the bathroom or a certain restaurant, not trying to appease a mobster and retrieve my girlfriend who will be my wife this week if I have anything to do with it.

“English,” I say, praying it doesn’t get me shot.

“So you’ve come to bargain?” a man with a heavy French accent asks.

“You’ve taken something that is mine, not Gale’s. If you want to get at Gale, go take his son, not my fiancée.”

“We need our property. Gale took something that belongs to us.”

“What did he take?” I’m not surprised Gale didn’t tell me the whole story. Gale is part of the society, but he’s scary like a mobster.

“My mother left me a building. Somehow it slipped through the cracks when taxes came due. Gale bought it out from under me. I want it back.”

“Fine,” I say, knowing I probably won’t be able to influence Gale at all, but I’m going to try my damnedest to get Adali away from these jerks.

“Gale will return it.” I have no clue if Gale will do what these people want. When I left Gale’s place, I didn’t know, and I don’t know now. Eric is a jerk. That’s all I know for sure. He’s a total pompous ass. If he doesn’t want to return the land, there’s nothing any of us can do.

“He’d better, or we’re coming after you.”

Car lights splash across the front of the house, and I turn, spying a black Bentley. It's a nice car, probably Eric. We all watch the car, waiting for the driver to stop.

Of course, Eric Gale isn't driving the car. He steps out from the back seat, the smirk on his face pissing me off. He thinks this is all a game. I'd like to wipe that smirk off his mouth permanently, but we're going to be family soon. I dislike the idea of being in some sort of forced relationship with Gale. He's proven he doesn't really care about anyone close to him.

“I have what you want,” Gale calls out.

“How do we know you’re being truthful?”

"Listen, I have what you want. It's here in this envelope."

Gale holds up a white envelope, and I watch as two of the men hurry forward. Eric Gale made a critical error when he took this man's land.

Hopefully, whatever happens today will solve the issue. I don't want to have to keep Adali under lock and key.

“Bring it here,” one of the men says.

“Oh hell no.” Eric Gale wasn’t born yesterday. He’s brought what they want, but he’s not getting closer to them. I don’t blame Eric. I don’t trust any of these men either.

I want Adali by my side. This is all well and good, but they haven’t produced the woman I’ve fallen for.

“Where is Adali?”

Everyone turns to look at me. I'm the odd one out. Both of the other parties are stone-cold. I'm just the money geek.

“Getting antsy?” the one with the French accent asks.

“Yes.” I’m done with these assholes. “Get Adali out here now.”

Maybe I've asked for too much, and they're just going to kill me now. Hopefully, I'm useful enough to Gale he stops this BS. Otherwise, I'll end up feeding fishes in the Hudson tonight.



The door opens, and NG steps in. He motions for me to come with him. Maybe this is it. I think about pushing him and running off, but before I can, we're outside, and I see Neo standing beside his car. My heart fills with happiness. I turn my head slightly, and Eric is there beside his car.

I’m not so happy to see Eric. If he’s here, then I know for sure he’s the reason I was abducted. It’s just like him to do something stupid and annoying that would get me hurt.
