Page 82 of The Society

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Without even realizing it, my body kicks into gear and manifests my thoughts with a shake of the head. “I don’t want to be here.”

“A cup full?”

“If the cup were king-sized.” My sarcastic retort garners no response, probably because it’s true to size. “I-it-it’s a lot. S-s-so much.” The way my pulse races, I’m sure she can hear it between the letters of those words. My anxious stutter, as my professors liked to berate me for, makes an appearance.

It’s a warning. I’m reaching my limit.

“Help is on its way, Neve. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Tell me something about yourself.”

“Me?” I squeal and clear my throat. “I’m not the one about to bite the bucket.”

“Yes, like where do you live? Are you here on vacation?”

“Um... I, um...” I glance around. Telling this woman things about me ties me to this dude forever. My name isn’t enough to track me down, but giving her a location and putting it in the system, that’s basically telling the Underworld where a snitch lives.Not that I have anything to tell.

But I did just wash away about half a kilo of some asshole’sdrugs.

That’s different. That’s dangerous. That’s not a positive.

“Yes,” I lie. I don’t know why, so I fix it. “Kind of.”

“Are you staying near Pink Street?”

I live on Pink Street.“Um. No.”

More lies.

“Are you here with...” I tune her out when Styx’s hand flies up in the air, and his eyelids flutter open. Eyes, the color of melted chocolate on a lava cake, make an appearance, rolling around and trying to stabilize on something.

They land on me—on all of me— begging for comfort.

I can’t deny him a few moments of peace if these are his last moments, so I lean down and whisper, “Y-you’re g-going to be okay, Styx.”


“Styx, the a-ambulance is on i-it’s w-way.”

There, better.

His long lashes flutter—No, that’s a twitch, and that’s an arch in his back.

White balls.Shit.

His pupils vanish up into his lids before his eyes shut again.

“Not good-not good-not good,” I shout to the operator on the other end. She had still been talking to me, but I hadn’t registered the information. “H-h-hurry up!”

The problem here is always the response time. Free health care has its downfalls. “They’re still ten minutes out, hun.”

“H-h-ey,” I talk to the guy as I roll him on his side, ignoring the woman on the other line. “Stay w-” I pause for some clarity, for a quick reverse countdown from five, “... stay with me.” It takes a lot of mental effort to keep my nerves in check so they stop messing with my motor control. Keeping my mind busy helps, rambling also helps. “It’s going to be fine, you just have to hang in there until the f-fu...” That wasn’t a stutter, it’s a filth filter. Last thing I need is to call the police ‘fucking dirty’ on record. “They’ll be here soon.”

Styx’s eyes open again, pupils in their rightful place yet so much larger than normal.

Is he overdosing? I don’t even know if that’s possible. Rare entry site or not, drugs may have gotten into his circulatory system. I saw the powder in the orifice of the wound, but...

Cocaine vasoconstricts.Anesthetic.It’s used in medicine. Granted in low percent solutions, but if it can stop a nosebleed. What the hell is happening?

“Miss Cassidy?”
