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It wasn’t only Spencer’s Dodge Dart that had been vandalized, Hope realized. “You’re responsible for my slashed tire, too, aren’t you?”

Coach Simmons smiled and gave a half-shrug. “That was Scott. He got carried away with that, and I told him so.”

“You won’t get away with this,” Hope said, praying the coach would listen to reason. This had gone too far; there was no turning back.

“All your threats end right here. Right now,” Coach shouted, loud enough for his voice to echo off the walls.

“I don’t think so,” Cade shouted.

Hope grabbed her phone, but before she could connect, Coach leaped forward and wrestled the phone out of her hand.

Raising his fist, he grabbed Hope hard enough to fling her back, slamming her head against the edge of the desk before she crumpled onto the floor.

Callie hurried to help Hope to her feet, while Cade struggled with Coach. Spencer raced from the room, phone in hand. Desperately reaching out, Hope grabbed hold of Callie as the room tilted at an awkward angle. Blood ran down from her forehead and into her eyes.

Seconds later, a siren could be heard in the distance. That didn’t seem possible. The authorities had no way of knowing what was happening. Her head was spinning, and then all at once everything went black.
