Page 110 of No Funny Business

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No, but I think I’ll stop here. For now. Maybe I’ll have the courage to say the rest when I come back for The Late Night Show. “Yeah, that’s all.”

“I’m not quitting comedy.” By the look on his face, he’s not joking.

“You’re—you’re not?”

“No. I just got a nationally televised spot. I can’t quit now.”

“Oh, thank God.” I drop my shoulders in relief, thanking the heavens. “So what are you gonna do about L.A.?”

Nick closes the space between us like he wants to tell me a secret, or maybe something better. He places his hands on my shoulders and says softly, “I’m gonna say buh-bye.”

I smile so wide that my eyes squint in the early sunlight. “Wait, does that mean...?”

“Yeah, I’m going home to New York, where I can be near you.” Nick tilts his chin, lowering his eyes to my parted lips, and kisses me like it’s the first time. Like it’s forever.

“Life’s funny, isn’t it?” I ask.

“It really is.” He holds my gaze for another moment and I let myself imagine what’s next. Imagine what we can be. What I can be. “You know, I have a pretty long commute back to the city, and I could use some company.”

“Are you asking me to ditch my flight to JFK?”

“Yeah, I mean I am ditching Hollywood.”

I tap my chin. “Well, when you put it that way, okay. I’ll ride back with you.”

“Then hop in the Jeep. We’ll grab some coffee and pick up your hella heavy luggage.”

I climb into my designated seat and Nick fires up the engine and selects a song for the road—“Home Sweet Home.” We buckle in, and this time he takes my hand.

“I gave up my apartment in Brooklyn and I don’t have a place to live anymore,” he tells me, pulling out of the apartment complex. “You know anyone looking for a roommate?”

I smirk. “Yeah, I think I know someone.”

“Think she’ll waive the deposit for me?”

“That depends. Will you let me drive the Jeep on the way home?” I ask, hopeful.

The car slows to a stop. “Sure, why not?”

I look around, waiting for the Jeep to move but Nick puts it in park and unbuckles. “Wait, right now?”

“Yeah, you can drive. But I get to pick the music, capeesh?”

