Page 70 of The Banker

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I narrow my eyes. “Does she know it came from you?”

“No. It was anonymous.”

“So, how is she going to know anything about a deal?”

“I had someone deliver the message.”

“Oh, right. The same ‘someone’ you met with without telling me where you were going?”

She chews her lip instead of answering and my gaze hovers around her mouth.No lower, Isaac.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” I snap. “And I insist you take that money back.”

“No.” She folds her arms defensively.

I claw my fingers down my face, barely concealing a frustrated growl. Thiswoman. “Why are you so fucking infuriating?

She shifts from one foot to the other, her chest rising and falling. She puts up a good front but I can practically see the nervous adrenaline coursing beneath her skin.

“Look,” she says, her voice high-pitched. “There isn’t a lot I can do for you, Isaac, but I can do this. You’ve gone above and beyond for me. Consider it compensation.”

The taste of fury is quickly dissipating, to be replaced by the sour tang of disappointment. “Is that all it is? You just want to repay me?”

She chews her lip. “No.”

“Then why?”

“Because I care about you.”

“You care about me?” I scoff. “And that’s how you show it? By giving money to my mother like we’re both charity cases?” I grit my teeth, my gaze traveling to her jaw, threatening to slide down to her collarbone, the very same one I’ve fantasized about licking until she squirms. The words are out before I can stop them. “And by fucking your ex in the room right next to mine?”

A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth and her eyes are triumphant. “Oh, that bothered you did it?”

My fists clench at my sides. I feel like I’m going to combust with anger. “Of course it did.”

“Why?” Her arms unfold and she plants her hands on her hips, drawing my eyes to the subtle curves beneath her fingers.

“You know why,” I reply, my voice scratchy. My eyes are now roaming her whole body, hungrily.

“I need to hear you say it.”

I take in every limb, every bone, every muscle, then slide my eyes back up to hers. They are defiant and blazing. “Because…”Fuck it.“I want you.”

“I thought you couldn’t want me. Because I’m your client. Because I’mtoo young.”

“I don’t care anymore.”

“What’s changed?”

“Nothing. Except that, through that fucking wall I heard everything I needed to, to know you’ve never been given what you truly deserve. You’ve never been made to feel the way should, like you’re the most beautiful, delicious, sexy woman who ever stepped foot on this island. You’ve never had someone put their tongue on you and really taste you.” She swallows, her chest heaving with the effort of holding herself together. “You’ve never had someone caress every part of you making you feel things you never thought possible. You’ve never had anyone die inside you at the feel of your heat around their cock. Have you? You’ve only ever hadthat.” I jerk my head towards the wall of her suite, not concealing the disgust I feel at the thought.

She takes two steps towards me, then gives me an antagonizing glare.

“So what are you gonna do about it?”

I step forward too, closing the gap between us, bearing over her, enjoying the decision I’ve just made, against every principle and every rule I’ve ever set myself. I lower my lips to hers, being careful not to let them touch. “I’m gonna fuck you better.”

I continue to hover over her as a whimper leaves her throat. “It’s about time,” she whispers.
