Page 21 of One More Kiss

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Brandi and I make our way down the main street of Tauntuma’s party district and toward the square where local farmers and business owners gather every morning to peddle their wares to tourists. The booths and tables are eerily empty as we help each other hold on to Chuck.

He groans, the acrid stench of alcohol and vomit riding behind the miserable noise.

“You ought to know better than to drink like you’re twenty-one again. Now look at you.”

Chuck spits on the ground. “Juss… lemme… sit down… a minute.”

“Ugh, come on babe,” Brandi complains. “It smells like fish out here.”

We guide him toward a bench in front of a worn fishing dock and help him take a seat.

The moon highlights the wooden planks jutting out to sea, and the tide crashes against the giant pillars staked into the earth. I take in a deep lungful of salty sea air and remember that summer we spent working on Grandad’s boat.

Land at the stern and sea at the bow; nothing has ever quite beat the sense of freedom being out on the water brings. Until tonight, when for the first time since those long days beneath a merciless sun, I resurrected those long-begotten sensations.

I don’t dance. But I wasn’t quite ready to part ways with the young, alluring Miss Harris.

Unlike my usual type, Kate’s full in a fit, curvy way. Her ass wasn’t shy about the way it filled out her pale pink dress, and the peek I got at her breasts as I dipped her on the dance floor will keep me inappropriately hard for weeks.

I wanted her. Fiercely. In a way that made my fingers twitch to touch every soft and supple inch of her.

The delicate pulsing I felt when our hands connected had tapped on the foggy, web-ridden glass of my consciousness, speaking right to my soul.

It said,I see you, but more interesting than that was the low, decadent hum radiating between us.

It’s almost too bad I’ll never see her again.

Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I pivot toward an exasperated Brandi. “What’s on the itinerary for tomorrow?”

“You meantoday.”

I glance at my watch. Hell. It’s almost one in the morning.

“Breakfast, then a few meetings, followed by sand volleyball at some park around here.”

“You’re kidding. Is every day scheduled with some sort of event?”

I haven’t had a chance to comb the agenda over, but I’m not exactly jumping at the chance to partake in Triggerz’s version of adult summer camp.

Brandi shrugs. “To be honest, I didn’t look past day two. And besides, you know where I’ll be.” She stretches her legs and crosses her ankles as she leans back. “Sun, shade, shmimosa, repeat.”


She closes her eyes. “Yeah, mimosa with ash.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You’re a mess.”

To Chuck, I say, “Let’s go, mess number two.”

He drags his hands through sweat-damp hair. “I don’t think I can move.”

“Well, I guess it’s safe to say he won’t be joining me for volleyball tomorrow,” I say with a bone-deep sigh. “And I’m sure I’ll never hear the end of it from Vedant.”

“You should’ve asked Kate out, you know.”
