Page 4 of One More Kiss

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Three knocks sound against my open office door.

“Well, this is a far cry from our shitty dorm room setup, but it’ll do.”

My gaze flies up from the three computer monitors spread out on my desk, and a smile tips the corner of my mouth when I see my best friend filling the doorframe.

“You son of a bitch. Why didn’t you call?”

Chuck meets me halfway across the room and wraps me in a big hug. “I know how you get when you’re overwhelmed with projects.”


“Exactly. Besides, I like to keep you on your toes.” The slap he delivers between my shoulder blades stings.

“I’m just excited to have you on the team. We could use your New York state of mind.”

Telephones shrill and computers ping with instant messages across the hall, where thirty different cubicles are spread out in a maze. A group of engineers walk by cradling stacks of papers while curiously peeking at me and Chuck.

“Close the door and come have seat,” I say while walking back to my desk to finish the report I was working on.

“How are you, man?”

Lonely and pathetic, how about you?

“Can’t complain, I guess.”

“Hell, it can’t be too bad.” Chuck waves a hand around the room. “You’re living like a king with your fancy thirteenth story Los Angeles office.”

Glancing up from the notepad I was scribbling on, I huff. “It’s something. That’s for sure.”

The walls are all glass, giving me a spectacular view of skyscrapers and the bustling city below. This office is every businessman’s wet dream.

“You know I’ve always been afraid of heights,” I say.

Chuck makes a snorting noise as he takes a seat in front of my desk. “Making millions has a way of soothing most fears, I suppose.”

“I wouldn’t say millions.”

“Two hundred thousand. One million. What’s the difference?”

“About eight hundred thousand, Chuck.”

He bats his hand with apfft. “The point is, you’ve forgotten to send your old pal a few of those thousands to keep the gremlins I call children fed.”

I smirk, sliding my old office chair over to see him better. “Well, now that you’re here, you won’t have to rely on me for child support.”

He snorts and then says, “Thanks again for sticking your neck out for me.”

“What are friends for?”

I don’t have the authority to offer anyone a position at Triggerz, but convincing my boss to hire Chuck was a lot easier given my senior lead status. Plus, I knew he would be a perfect fit.

He plucks my 2020 App Honors Award from between two frames on the edge of my desk and inspects it thoughtfully. “I heard the good news. I’m excited for you.”

Brows raised, I ask, “You read your email?”
