Page 40 of One More Kiss

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Our night at the tiki bar comes flooding back—the laughs, the touching, the dancing, and Brandi mentioning a get-together they were invited to.

“What’s the catch?”

If I’ve learned anything from my mother, it’s that when it comes to men, there’s always an ulterior motive.

“There’s a promotion I’m after, and Vedant’s convinced that meeting a woman on OneDate and bringing her to dinner will impress the CEO.”

“That’s… oddly specific,” I say. “Why would he care where you meet someone?”

“Because I developed it.” Damon holds my stare. “OneDate is actually the reason we’re here. My team and I are receiving an award.”

“An award? For the dating appyoucreated?” I repeat each detail because this sounds crazy. No, itiscrazy.


I blink, picking apart every moment and conversation we’ve had in the last twenty-four hours, but I keep coming back to when Damon saw the app on my phone.

“Oh, I get it.” I scoff, placing a palm on my forehead. “Inviting me out with you today was just some elaborate game you were playing.”

Confused, he shakes his head. “What? No.”

“You knew I had the app on my phone. You even contacted me through it.” My voice takes on a higher pitch as I grow nervous.

“Our profiles matched because we had our location settings on. You messaged me first, remember?”


“Very well.” I narrow my gaze and poke a finger at his chest. “But if you’re keeping my personal information or something equally disturbing, just know that my family has the best lawyers money can buy.”

Damon lightly wraps his hand around my wrist, laughing low and easy. “I would never abuse my work in that way—or ever, for that matter.”

“But you would hide it in order to get what you want?” I counter.

His smile falters a bit, and I readily take advantage of the foot of space he allots.

“Okay, break this down for me.” I scratch at my temple, trying to collect my rabid thoughts. “You’re offering me a place to live, and all I have to do in return is pretend that we actually met through OneDate.”

He nods carefully. “One night. One dinner. The rest of your stay is yours.”

I steeple my fingers in front of my lips as I pace.

This is insanity. The man could murder me, take advantage of me, or any other number of vicious things.

All of which could have happened at any point since we’ve been here.

When I glance at him once more, I find a touch of humor dancing in the depths of his eyes.

I’ve already decided flying back home is not an option, which leaves me currently homeless or rooming with Damon.

“I’ll agree to your terms—”


“—but I get to sleep in while you’re in meetings. And I want to be free to come and go as I please.”

He huffs a laugh. “Easy. What else?”

I pause. “Unlimited drinks.”
