Page 49 of One More Kiss

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He specifically told me to stay out of trouble, didn’t he?

“How’d you know it was us?”

I swear his fingertips twitch where he holds me.

“I thought that pink bathing suit looked familiar.”

The subtle beat of his heart thumps against my shoulder. It’s not nearly as erratic as mine is when he stares at me as if he could consume me in a single bite. I should remind him that lustful gazes such as those should be off limits, but instead, I’m wondering if he’s thought about me in this bathing suit, and how often.

“You expect me to believe you just happened to be in the neighborhood?”

His head tips back with a laugh. “Are you insinuating I’m stalking you?”

Why does the very idea turn me on?

I was appalled to learn of his attachment to OneDate, worried he would have access to my location and personal information, but now I’m running kinky kidnapping scenarios through my mind like football drills.

“That’s exactly what I’m insinuating.”

Picking up what I’m putting down, Damon’s pupils widen, and he grips me tighter. I would yelp if I didn’t like the pressure of his fingertips digging into my skin.

“Everything okay over here?”

He nearly drops me when the man I saw on the bike just moments ago approaches.

“I saw this young lady take off after I caught this one stealing the lounge chairs from The Luna.”

Brandi’s head peeks around the man’s shoulders. I hadn’t even realized she was there.

She drops my bag on the ground beside her to place a hand over her hip. “We were notstealing. We were borrowing.”

Damon carefully sets me to my feet. “I’ve got it from here, sir. They won’t cause you any more trouble.”

The officer harumphs, shouldering past Brandi.

I giggle when she sticks her tongue out at him.

“What the hell were you two thinking?” Damon asks, arms crossed and shoulders back. “If he would have taken you in, what would you have done?”

Brandi pretends to think on that for a moment. “Shown him our boobs?”

I high-five her as Damon mutters under his breath, “Women.”

“Oh, Damon. Lighten up, will ya?” Brandi gives him a squeeze around the middle. “Where’s my ol’ ball and chain?”

Damon points in the opposite direction of where we stand on the beach. “He’s buying more of those ridiculous floral shirts from a vender up that way.”

“Ah, yes. We donothave enough useless T-shirts, let me tell ya.” She sighs before heading toward her man. “You two okay to get back on your own?”

Damon’s eyes shift toward me at the same time I glance at him.

“Yeah,” he says.

“Sure, sure. We’re good,” I add.

Our responses have a smile splitting Brandi’s mouth. With a wink, she turns on a heel and sings, “Have fun!”

A burst of wind yanks my hair off my naked shoulders, and I shiver. With the storm clouds covering the sun, a chill rides the wind, and I’m wishing I brought a proper set of clothes to change into.
