Page 5 of One More Kiss

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He flips me off.

“This old dog can learn a new trick. Besides, even with the corporate itinerary, I’m not about to miss out on two weeks of beach vacation bliss.”

This year, Apple Inc. surprised the company with a retreat to the island of Topica Bay, where the team and I will accept an award for the dating app we developed last year. It took jumping through a few hoops—and even more ass-kissing—but I was able to get the higher-ups to agree to let Chuck come.

When my team was working on the concept for OneDate the first time around, we wanted users to not only have a safe experience but one that could lead to long-lasting relationships.

OneDate is unique in that it tailors potential matches to the user, populating first date ideas using keywords from both user profiles and even searching for discounts to use at local venues.

“Let’s just hope this ceremony goes better thanthatone.”

Lotta Eats won Best App Developing Team in 2020. Bryce, Walter, Aakesh, and I wanted to jump in on the development of ride sharing apps that also offered food delivery. It ended up being a late jump, but I have one of the strongest engineer teams in the company, and that was our year to shine.

Except, I’ve never handled public speaking well. But as the senior lead developer for our unit, I’m the face of our team and therefore, the speech giver.

“You’re already sweating, Damon.”

I yank the award from his grip and wipe the fingerprint smudges from the etched glass before setting it back down.

“Don’t worry. It can’t get worse than nearly vomiting on the host,” he assures.

A No. 2 pencil rolls between my fingers. “Afraid of heightsandpublic speaking.”

“At least you’re pretty.”

I toss the pencil at his head. “Fuck you, Chuck.”

He ducks, avoiding being impaled only to knock a frame sitting on the edge of the desk onto the floor.

“Shit,” he says when he swipes it off the ground. “I haven’t thought about that summer in ages.”

His thumb traces over his chubby teenage face. “He’d be proud of you.”

I take the frame from his outstretched hand, scanning over the picture of Grandad, me, and Chuck all standing together in front of a fishing pier, holding a five-foot-long swordfish.

The pride on our faces is palpable.

“He worked our asses off, didn’t he?” A somber smile finds my lips.

That was the same summer Chuck and I decided we were tired of being made fun of for being the “fat kids” at school.

Determined to help our cause, Grandad put us to work on his fishing boat for three straight months. By the time fall came around, we’d lost the chubbiness of our youth, and we were ready to take on our freshman year of high school.

“That was the only time in my life I had abs,” he says, patting his stomach. “Good thing dad bods are hot now.”

I set the picture down and shake my head. “I’m sure Brandi has no complaints.”

“That woman is the energizer bunny,” he says of his wife, and the woman who has become my bonus best friend.

A knock sounds at my door before my personal secretary gently cracks it open.

“Mr. Carlisle, I picked up your tux from the cleaners for the big day. Would you like me to drop it off here?”

I gesture to the small sofa bisecting the right side of my office. “Sure, Robbin. Thank you.”

“Of course. I replied to your RSVP, informing them of your attendance at the ceremony, and I’ve taken the liberty of printing the event itinerary for your trip as well.” She pauses in the doorway, glancing between me and Chuck while shifting on her high heels.

My head tilts at her hesitation. “Was there something else?”
