Page 6 of One More Kiss

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“Well… I noticed you didn’t request a seat for a date, sir.”

Chuck’s eyebrows climb toward his dirty-blond hair. “You don’t have a date?”

“That’s correct. Thank you for airing that out for me, Robbin.” I offer her a pointed look, to which she gives a nervous laugh.

“Just making sure, sir.” Robbin lays the tux across the back of the couch and waves briefly before closing the door.

I can still hear her heels clicking down the hall when Chuck says, “No date, huh?”

“Have you made arrangements for the kids?” I ask, loosening my tie.

He blinks. “You do see the irony in attending an award ceremony for a dating app you createdwithouta date, don’t you?”

“Hmph.” I hadn’t given that little detail much thought actually.

Once the divorce between Susan and I was finalized, I put any thoughts of women and dating out of my head completely, choosing to throw myself into work instead.

There’s a rumor around the office that the CEO is on the hunt to promote someone to the international branch, and I’m going to use this retreat as a means to stake my claim on it.

“The retreat is bigger than just our department. Maybe there will be a group for singles.”

Okay, that sounded—

“Sad. That’s what you are. I couldn’t put my finger on it before now.”

“I am notsad.” I stand before walking around the side of my desk. “I’m honestly past the whole divorce thing.”

He rises from his seat, following me toward the door, but I know he’s not convinced.

“So… you’ve forgiven Susan for fucking the neighbor, then?”

Anger flickers in the pit of my stomach at the mention of my ex-wife’s yearlong affair.

Susan bent over the couch. Me walking in the front door and making direct eye contact with her. A fucking spin instructor from two apartments down smirking while he finished.

I suppress a snarl. “Yup.”

“And nearly getting you fired by yelling at you over the whole ordeal in the lobby?”

My knuckles pop as I paste what I hope is a smile onto my face. “Water under the bridge.”

Chuck eyes me carefully.

“Mr. Carlisle, I don’t have all day,” our HR manager says through the speaker of my desk phone. “Please send Mr. Rhoads to my office. Thank you.”

“She grows on you,” I say to my grimacing friend. “Slowly. Like a fungus. But you’ll learn to love her.”

His head tilts in a way that says he’s not so sure.

“Hey, about that date—”

“No,” I cut him off, but Chuck’s not one for silence.

“Brandi’s got this friend. She’s a dancer here…” His wiggling eyebrows are all the translation I need.

“I’m not taking a stripper with me on a company trip, Chuck.”

“Oh, come on! You could probably use a little company.” A finger gun paired with a wink is what pushes me over the edge.
