Page 83 of One More Kiss

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“I’ve been dreaming of having this tight little slit of yours, Kate.” He rubs his thumb over the material covering my clit for emphasis. “She taunts me.” I squirm, frustrated with his teasing. “But watch how she responds.”

Damon slides my bikini bottoms out of the way and swipes a single finger through my arousal.

He dips the length of his middle finger into the slickness and curls it toward him. When he adds a second finger, I throw my head back.

“Damon!” My pleasure reverberates as a melody against the cave walls.

“My name on your lips is almost more beautiful than seeing you wrapped around my fingers.”

We’ve hardly gotten started, and already, his filthy words have me close to catching fire.

Damon shifts us in a way that prevents me from lying on the wet sand, and the effort of keeping me comfortable tenderizes my insides.

“Y-you’re not boring,” I blurt through a fresh wave of tingles.

He pauses one millisecond to cock his head before curling his fingers against my inner walls once again.

Now I’m laughing breathlessly while Damon fingers me. “I just mean that your friends—oh, God—they couldn’t be more wrong about you.”

I’m right there. Right on that edge I’m all too happy to leap from.

Damon uses only his fingers hooked inside me to readjust my pelvis, and the deeper strokes have me so out of control that I start word vomiting.

“You’re a selfless man they should be proud to work alongside.”

Is what I’m saying a little embarrassing and not the least bit romantic? Probably. But I don’t care. I need him to know that I believe he’s incredible.

A satisfied smirk molds across my lips, capturing my trembling moans. Slick, wet sounds pierce the air as Damon hurriedly massages my tender flesh, letting me ride out the sensations of my first orgasm until I catch my breath once more.

When he removes his fingers, I watch his tongue swirl and dance around each one.

“If you’re trying to repair my damaged ego, it’s working,” he tells me.

I laugh as Damon gently guides me to my knees, then presses his hand flat and down between my shoulder blades so that my ass rises into the air. The soft sand gives way, making room for the pressure of my knees and elbows sinking into it.

Damon takes his time rolling down my bathing suit bottoms, placing nips and kisses down the backs of my thighs and brushing away excess sand as he goes.

“I’m going to have you now, Kate.” He cups between my legs, massaging gently. “And I will savor every second of you spasming around my cock before I finish.”

I’ve never been touched so intimately before—ever.

I hear the distinct sound ofhis swim shorts hitting the ground. His lowered gaze is trained on my arched backside when I peer over my shoulder.

A thin, dark line of hair trails from his navel toward his pelvis, and when I catch sight of him, I shiver with anticipation.

I’ve thought it before, and I’ll think it many more times, but Damon is beautiful in a way that mocks the word.

For all of his dirty talk, I’m readying myself for a punishing thrust, but he surprises me by folding his body over mine.

“I shouldn’t care that we’re never going to see each other again, Kate… but I do.”

I stare at the sand wedged between my fingers, remembering how I cried genuine tears for him when I thought he’d drowned. Turns out I’m not so ready to give him up either.

“We can’t think about it,” I murmur. “It won’t do us any good, Damon.”

We can’t be a long-term deal, and we both know it. But every brush of Damon’s palm teasing up my belly weakens my resolve.

“Can… can you feel that?” I ask at a gentle vibration that tickles my knees and arms.
