Page 84 of One More Kiss

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He fills his palm with my breast while bracing himself in the sand beside me with the other. Featherlight kisses trail between my shoulder blades as he massages the tender swell in his hand and readies himself at my entrance.

“What is it?”

He’s going to think I’m insane.

Damon slips easily across my clit, and I hiss with pleasure.

“Nothing,” I say, surely imagining it while pondering the myths we’d been told about today.

Could there really be some sort of magic here?

Damon’s sliding into me deliciously, torturously slow, and that’s the last cognitive thought I have before I’m arching back, taking him as far as I can and crying out.

“There you go, sweetheart. Relax for me.” His words are a whisper along my spine as he pulls back almost completely all while nuzzling his way down. “That’s a very good girl, Kate.”

That mouth of his is going to undo me.

Damon slams back home, and I cry out again.

“Fucking hell, Kate. I love how your how body tells me every little thing she needs.”

The roaring falls match the roar between my ears as Damon thrusts me further into the sand. I take and take, moaning for him.

“Yes, just like that. This is the pace you want, isn’t it?” Damon moves steadily, sliding in and out, culling a liquid rush from between my legs with each retreat.


“Mmm, and what if I do this?” he asks, raking his nails up the back of my thigh with another thrust.

“Ah!” My voice reverberates through the cave.

He chuckles that way of his that makes goose bumps flood my pores. “That’s it. Let me have you, naughty girl.”

With one hand still in the sand, the other wildly traces every curve. My nipples, my neck, and the slope of my ass. Every inch of me heats beneath his palm as my clit swells with need.

“I don’t want things to change,” I pant. “Tell me things won’t change.”

When he reaches between my legs and rubs in tight little circles, I know I’m seconds from coming undone.

A minuscule slice of panic tucks itself between the threading sensations building within me. How will I ever leave him? I want to take it back the second I think it. And it terrifies me because I barely know him, yet I’ve never felt more sure.

My soul has a match.

Damon ismine.

I sputter, fighting the realization with everything in me. “Please, Damon. Tell me we can go back to how it was,” I beg, terrified of the sudden realization and needing reassurance. “Tell me we can leave each other in a few days, and everything will be alright;we’llbe alright.”

But he says no such thing. Instead, he expertly works my clit until I can’t form a single other word.

My mouth hangs open as I orgasm,hard. I clench around him, somehow allowing his name to slip in question, “Damon?”

It’s then that he shudders, pistoning through his orgasm with a punishing hold on my hips as he utters my name.

His chest brushes mine with heavy, panting breaths.


There are no words, but without a doubt, I want to do it again.
