Page 40 of Work Me

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The Key West styled resort was a perfect choice by Julie, with its pastel pallet of light blues, greens, and yellows, wide porches and simple wooden rails. Though the buildings are three stories high, they are not very large, allowing them to be tucked away into forests of palm trees and man-made walkways, while still giving each room a vista of the beautiful Gulf of Mexico.

“This is as close as you’ll get to Key West, my friend,” I say to Dean in my head, admiring the view only momentarily as I repeatedly push the elevator button.

A ding from somewhere up above tells me it’s stopped to pick someone up.

Fuck this, I think. By the time the elevator comes to the first floor, Dean would have changed his mind. As it was, I wasted too much time getting an Uber to my car after I left the Clean Bean. Sure, I could have gone back in and asked for a ride, but when I looked through the glass and saw them sitting there still giggling, I knew I’d never hear the end of it.

Knowing time is of the essence, I rush up the stairs. Yes, I am a trainer. Yes, I am fit as hell. No, that doesn’t give me the stamina needed to run up two flights of stairs.

By the time I reach the top I am bent in half, desperately trying to catch my breath. A door opens near me, and I straighten as quickly as possible. It’s Dean.

“You coming in?” he asks.

“You bet your boiled peanuts I am,” I tell him, walking past him. He chuckles and follows me in.

There is no need for a tour of the place. There’s a bed and a bathroom, that’s all I need to know.

He closes the door behind us. I turn around as I make my way to the restroom, biting my lip through an impish smile.

“I need to shower first,” I inform him, taking off my shirt and throwing it out of sight.

“Through there,” he says, pointing to the bedroom, the words coming out breathless as he watches me expose myself little by little.

Pants fly over the bed as I cross the room. He’s following me like a puppy dog. A moth to the flame. Willing prey. Whatever it is, I know he’s lost to me when I lose the sports bra and shimmy out of my panties. His eyes give everything away. He wants me.

“Take it off, Coop,” I order.

He’s not smiling, yet I know he’s very happy indeed the moment his shorts drop. My eyes go to his groin and I nearly moan from the sight that greets me. Lust like I’ve never felt before fills me, and it takes a lot of will power to restrain my desire to take him in my arms and have him right then and there.

I look away only long enough to turn the shower on as hot as it goes. Taking his hand, I guide him in.

“First I’m going to shower you, get you real nice and clean.” I circle him, taking a good look at everything he has to offer and appreciating every bit of it. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

The glass shower door isn’t completely fogged up yet, but it’s about to be. Without hesitation, I’m on him the moment the water hits my back. Full lips part as he tries to say something, but I stop his words with a kiss. He tastes as good as I remember, like hot sin and ice cream.

My hands make their way over the hard plains of his bare chest. His nipples tease my palms, becoming hard points as he shivers. I pull away slightly, nipping at his bottom lip before smiling up at him. My eyes lock on his as my hand roves further down. I want to see the desire as I touch him there. I need to know this is what he wants. That I’m what he wants. Green turns to near black the moment my fingers make contact. When I circle him, his eyes close and he lets out a deep breath.

“I’m going to take my time with you, swe… oomph!” Before I can finish my sentence, and before I can figure what’s happening, I’ve been spun and pressed against the cold tile wall.

Dean’s hard length sneaks between my legs, touching me there, heating my core, teasing it. His chest against my back, he pushes me harder to the wall. I shiver as I feel the heat of his breath on my neck, the rumble of his deep voice reminding me just how male he really is. “My sweet kitty cat, I want you to play with me. So long as we’re clear on one thing,” he grumbles, running his hand down the side of my breast, to my hip. “I’m no mouse. If we play, we’ll play together. Agreed?”

He runs his penis over my crack, creating exquisite pressure over my entrance that has me moaning. I’m beyond ready. It hasn’t been a long time since I’ve had sex, but it’s been an eternity since I wanted it this badly. If ever.

Turning within his arms, I wrap myself around him. My lips find his neck, his throat, his jaw, his mouth. Water pools between our chests. His hands squeeze my ass, even as his fingers make their way inside. They gently play with the wetness, spreading it around. Using my body weight, I push him to the wall, until it’s his back against the hard tile.

“You may not consider yourself a little mouse, but you’ll definitely be my meal,” I tell him and bite his shoulder.

Once again, he’s spins me. I try to turn, but in a flash, he takes my wrists and pins my arms above my head. This is the game, I know, even though it’s one I’ve never played. There’s never been a guy who’s refused to let me control the encounter. It makes things easy. I have my fun, then walk away. They get off, and don’t have to snuggle afterwards. Besides, I’m as strong as most men. Pinning me down isn’t easy.

But this… This I don’t know what to make of.

On the one hand, I like that he doesn’t let me take over. I like that he’s strong enough to challenge me. On the other, it’s pissed me the fuck off that I can’t get out of his grasp.

“Easy kitty. There are only two ways I’ll let you go. The first, you agree that we are equal in this. I don’t like domination.”

“And the second?” I ask.
