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Nobody in the Celestial Realm ever called him by his real name.

No one knew it, he supposed. Master always called himlong-er, or dragonling, like the ageless old man called all the dragons that dwelled here.

Well, he did address some dragons by specific names. But never Kai.

Kai wasn’t created here, after all. He was only the resurrected living dead. An animated weapon. Besideslong-er, by which Master addressed him, others simply called him Bronze. Just like they called the defeated dragon lying prone beneath his claws, Red.

How did this human know his name?

Kai narrowed his eyes and arched his neck so that his thorny snout butted against the human’s chest, almost knocking the weakling over on his ass.

Two other human males came up beside the black-haired one as if to lend their support or protection. But Kai paid them no mind.

What could puny humans do to a warrior dragon a hundred times their size?

Instead, he snuffled the stranger who knew his name, blowing the man’s hair back with his breaths and making him squeeze his eyes shut and scrunch up his face.

“Ugh! Ever heard of dental hygiene? Mouth wash? At least breath mints? What have you been eating lately? Gross!”

Kai leaned back a little to consider the annoying human. Perhaps he should gobble this one up first.

Mouthy little fucker.

Except it wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as taking a chunk of solid meat out of the red dragon at his mercy.

“Don’t you remember me?” the stranger said once he recovered from Kai’s snuffles.

“We know each other. We were comrades in arms once upon a time. Eons ago… But still. You liked me… Sort of. We ended the Age of the Gods together.”


Kai turned his head ninety degrees to assess the human from a different angle.

He’d never seen the man in his entire existence, across all of his incarnations. He would have remembered. For dragons had long memories, and this man possessed unique looks.

Besides, how couldhepossibly ever have been Kai’s comrade in arms? And a god-killer to boot?

He was clearly not a fighter. He looked more like a poet or a prince. Almost too pretty to be a man.

“I’m Rai,” the human declared, putting a small hand on Kai’s snarling upper lip.

“It’s me, old friend,” he said more softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners in a familiar smile.

“And this is Sol,” he gestured to the big, golden man standing close.

“He’s Sorin now. But you knew him as the first general of the Eagle Spirits. Son of the Eagle King.”

Kai slid his eyes to the man in question.

He didn’t look familiar either. Kai had only seen the eagle prince in human form once or twice. Same with Rai. Sol had been flame-haired, though he had a similar build as this Sorin. And Rai had looked completely different than the black-haired man.

Kai had never understood how or why they took humanoid forms when they had the choice to be Beasts. Kai had certainly never taken human form voluntarily. Only when he was forced to do so for his missions.

As if the self-proclaimed acquaintance heard his thoughts, he said, “My name is Erebu now. Ere for short. We have different forms in this incarnation, hopefully our last and everlasting.”

He held out a hand to Kai, palm up.

“Come. We have work to do together. Sorin and I are off on a new quest. And if I’m to believe my guide here,” he nodded toward the man on his other side, “you’re the guest of honor.”
