Page 32 of The Man Next Door

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After a couple of hours, I decide to head over to my own apartment to get some cleaning done. Saturdays are usually when I get my kitchen, carpets, and bathroom cleaned. As much as I would love to just spend the day in bed with Hudson, a girl has to get things done.

Lacey: Are you home? Knocked on your door a couple of times and no answer.

Me: I am now. Come on over.

I know she will have all sorts of questions about the fact I haven’t been home. Plus, I’m interested in hearing about how last night went after we left. As much as Hudson thinks Leo is a good guy, how can he really know?

“About damn time you get home. It’s like two in the afternoon.” Lacey walks in and sets down on the couch as I tidy up the kitchen.

“Calm down, mom. I’ve been next door, if you must know.”

“Ohhh… stayed over? That’s a big step already.” She makes googly eyes at me.

“It was a good night - but I’m more interested in knowing how last night went for you.” I stop and focus my attention on her. “I saw you making lovey-dovey eyes with Leo. All that flirting. How did your night go?”

“I didn’t do anything with Leo. Although, he did ask for my phone number. He lost his wife, and I’m not one to rush into anything. He’s cute, got a good job, and likes me. How could I say no?”

She has a fair point, not that I was looking last night, but he is decent looking and well built. “I just don’t think it’s time to rush into anything so soon after…”

“I got attacked… believe me, I know. It happened to me. But I can’t go around living my life in fear because of Drew. I’m fucking young, and should be able to live life. Fuck him! He’s in jail, and I can’t take what he did back. It’s a part of my past, but doesn’t have to affect my future.”

Wow, my sister has grown up since leaving for college. Her process of thinking is adult, unlike before. I really want to walk over and give her a hug, but then we will both start crying or something and it will turn into a whole moment.

“Enough about me. So, why did you both leave in such a hurry last night? I mean, it seems kind of rude considering none of them knew Leo. Not that we didn’t all get along and have a blast.”

Shit, I bet Hudson didn’t even think about that when he left. Hopefully, Leo isn’t pissed at him for bailing out and leaving all his friends at his house. Maybe our first night out as a couple didn’t go as well as we both imagined. “We both had other things on our mind. We’ll have to do it again, and not leave early this time.”

“Well, I’m glad things are going good between you two. You both seem happy. Anyway, I gotta get back over to my apartment and finish this assignment before the deadline hits. Love ya.”

My kitchen is spotless by the time she leaves, so now I just need to get my floor vacuumed and bathroom clean, which shouldn’t take me too long with music going to keep me amped up. I pull out my phone, put on my Spotify playlist and get to going.

The bathroom isn’t bad, so it only takes about twenty minutes to wipe everything down, clean the toilet and shower. The nastiest part is behind me. Next up, the floors which only take ten minutes, but my phone starts to ring, cutting off my music.

“Hello?” I answer, putting it on my shoulder and holding it with my ear.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date tonight? You know, dressing up, romantic setting, all that jazz.”

“I’d love to. What time?”

“Is six too early?”

“I need at least two hours to get ready. I’ve been cleaning and smell like bleach. Not very attractive for a first date. How about you come get me at seven?”

“Sounds perfect. I’ll be at your door.” He didn’t say anything, just hung up.

A date? Is he secretly a romantic and has been hiding it from everyone? Fuck, what am I going to wear? Hopefully, I have something clean that’s not work attire. I hurry to finish the floors and go to my closet. Raiding through every hanger, I get to the back where I find a red dress, mid-thigh, that still has tags on it. Go figure. Ever notice that in romantic comedies, the women always show up on their dates in a black or red dress? Something about it’s a symbolism of sexual prowess. When I bought this dress, that hadn’t been my intention, but now that I have Hudson, bring it on!

I lay the dress on my bed and pair it with some black strappy heels while the water is warming up. Hopefully, I have enough time to do my hair and makeup before he shows up at my door. If not, well then, he can be a gentleman and wait for me. They do in the movies.

Once the water is hot enough, I jump in, lather myself up good, and then rinse myself off. No time for double conditioning my hair. I hear a knock on the wall.

“Heads up. You have one hour and ten minutes to get ready. Countdown is in full effect over here.”

He’s a goof. So he is aware of how thin the walls are, and totally heard me that first night. He just chose to ignore me. I see how it is.

“Shower is done. I should be ready. Go do something creeper!”

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