Page 10 of Enchanted Fairytale

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“He’s up in the West tower.” The beast’s voice is short and hard.

Wait, Dad is locked up in a tower. Is this for real? Who does shit like this?

“You’re joking right?” My voice is full of uncertainty and dread.

It is cold and lifeless here in the main areas of the house. If Dad is locked in a tower, I can’t imagine the state he is in right now.

Rolls his eyes.

There’s no way that the tower is nicer than the main house. Anger boils up inside me as I imagine Dad cold and alone in the dark.

The beast doesn’t speak. Hell, he doesn’t even seem ashamed that he locked an old man up in the West tower.

“Take me to him.” I demand, adding, “Now.”

He lets out a long huff and rolls his eyes before moving towards the back of the house. Or is it the front?

It is so dark in here that I can barely see a foot in front of me.

I wave my hand in front of my face to make sure I’m not going to run into a wall when my hand lands on his naked flesh.

My face gets warmer as I try not to imagine what I just touched.

He lets out a growl. “What are you trying to do?”

“I’m trying to see! It’s so dark!” My voice has a bite to it.

It’s not like I am trying to feel him up. Although, he does have an Adonis-like body that I would gladly feel up if I was ever given the chance.

Snap out of it Arabella. Just because I would do it, doesn’t mean that I should.

“Grab onto my hand.” He reaches his large hand out towards me.

I hesitate, debating internally whether or not I should grab ahold of his hand. He doesn’t hesitate. He wraps his large hand around my much smaller one and pulls me until I am a breath away from his naked body.

“Keep up because I’m not slowing down or stopping for you.”

I have to speed walk like a woman on a mission to keep up with his long strides. After climbing up fifty-seven steps, we finally reach the landing of the West tower.

I try to lighten the mood, despite the growing dread in my stomach. “Wow, you weren’t joking. It really is up.”

A low growl escapes from his throat before he changes back into the furry beast.

Seeing that he isn’t going to be much of a help, I crane my neck to the side to look around his large form.

“Dad?” I call out into the darkness as I follow the beast down a long hallway.

“Bella? Is that you?” Dad’s voice echoes off the stone walls.

His voice is frail and soft. It tugs at my heartstrings and fuels the anger fire that burns in my chest

“Yeah.” My voice cracks as my eyes fill with tears. “I’m here, Dad.”

“Why did you come?” I can hear heartbreak and worry laced in every word.

My feet move faster and my heart pounds as my mind imagines all sorts of horrible things I am about to see.
