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Then he lifts my hand up and examines it. “These hands have done a lot of hard work,” he comments.

“I was one of the launderers.”

He turns his head sharply. “Money launderers?”

I giggle. “You really have no idea how simple my pack is. No, as in, it was my job to wash everyone’s clothes.”

He raises an eyebrow. “You mean by hand?”

“Yup. In the river. Pounding them with stones.”

He tilts his head toward the little river tinkling in the distance. “That’s why you—” He gives a shudder. “No. Just no. That’s why god invented laundromats.”

“He did?” I play along.

“Yup, on the eighth day, along with a ton of other stuff, so folks could concentrate on more important things.”

“I’ve never even seen a laundromat. I’m ridiculous, aren’t I?”

His voice turns so serious, it startles me. “Don’t ever say that about yourself.” He presses my hand to his lips and kisses it. “You’re a princess. Don’t you know that? You were born to be cherished. Protected. Not forced to operate a stone-age laundry service.” His eyes are fierce, angry.

Princess?I can’t breathe. My own eyes prickle.

He looks worried. “What is it?”

“On the territory, I used to get called halfling or runt all the time. I was part of the serving class. The omegas. The farthest thing from a princess, believe me.”

A growl breaks from his throat. I whimper, pull away reflexively.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” He chuckles and draws me in again. “I get a little protective sometimes.” He strokes my hair, making soft, hushing sounds, until I calm.

“What happened, right before you left?” he asks gently.

I’m so embarrassed, but I tell him. All about the public nakedness and humiliation.

He looks even angrier than before, and he grits his teeth. I sense he’s struggling to keep his wolf down.

When I’m done, he says, “they didn’t deserve you, Little One. Thank goodness your mom brought you here, so you can start living the life you deserve.”

Does he mean with him?I can’t look at him. Instead, I stare up at the starry sky, a sick, excitable lurch in my stomach. I’m so confused. I already know I want to be with him, always. But I don’t know what that means. I’m so ignorant of the world outside of the pack. Does he have a harem somewhere, where he keeps his mates? Is he going to let me fall for him, then abandon me when he gets tired of me?

Beau lays a gentle finger on my cheek. I turn my head to him again, and he’s right there, his soft, firm lips, seeking out my own.

He’s gentle at first. Holding me in his arms, while his lips draw my soul out from my body. I feel like we’re levitating together, wrapped in a blanket, but lifted up, up into the starry sky, racing toward eternity. My eyes are closed, but constellations sparkle behind my eyelids.

Soon, his kisses become more urgent, his velvety tongue plunging deeper into my mouth. I cling to him, yearning for him to possess me, to make me his.

With a growl, he flips me onto my back and arches over me. His strong, muscular thighs push between mine, spreading my legs apart. Instinctively, I lift them up, around him, and I feel his cock, already hard, pressing against my core. That big, hard bulge, rubbing back and forth against my aching clit. Already, I’m wet again. All I can think about is how much I want him inside me. That big, beautiful cock taking my virginity.

But when I reach for it, he snatches my hand away. “Savannah,” he growls, low in his throat.

Confusion burns. “What? Y-you don’t really want me?”

He gives a tortured groan. “You don’t understand how much I want to take your virginity right now. Claim that sweet little pussy of yours. But I can’t.”

“I’m ready,” I tell him. “I want you to take me now. I don’t care what happens tomorrow. I just need you, right here.”

With a ragged sigh, he presses his hand against my pussy. “So wet, so ready for me,” he murmurs.
