Page 111 of Casualty of Devotion

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“As I’ll ever be.” Her spine stiffens as she pulls away from me, her body taut. She grips my hand tightly, her head turning to the warehouse. “Let’s do this.”

We creep through the darkened woods, our feet moving cautiously, trying not to make any noise. My eyes scan the parking lot, looking for signs of any vehicles or people, but it’s empty. The side of the large warehouse faces us, so we silently move toward it, pressing our bodies against it.

Irelynn follows behind me, mimicking my every move. I stop, holding up one hand, listening intently. Hearing nothing, I motion for her to follow behind as I continue onward, my eyes intently scanning the darkness.

At the corner of the building, I hold up my hand again, slowly peering around it. Lowering it, I motion for her to follow, adrenaline coursing through my body as I spot a door in the distance.

Once we reach it, my hand grasps the door handle, slowly turning it. Pushing it open, my eyes rove over the room, dimly lit by lights. As I step through the doorway, Irelynn’s hands grip the back of my sweatshirt.

Despite the heavy beating of my heart, my hands are steady as I hold my gun.

We slowly move through the warehouse, finally spotting Vanessa in a chair toward the back of the room. Looking over my shoulder at Irelynn, I put my fingers to my lips, warning her not to call out to her.

Where is Darin?

Holding up my hand, I stop moving, the faintest noise reaching my ears. It sounds like the scuffling of feet. Irelynn presses against me, her heated breaths filling my ears.

Damian comes into view, holding a bloody Darin against his body, a gun trained on Darin’s forehead. “Well, well, well, hero. We meet again.” His smile is maniacal as he pushes Darin forward. As he steps beneath the lights, I see the blood running down his forehead.

As Darin’s gaze meets mine, he gives me an apologetic look, then winces when he sees Irelynn move beside me.

I silently communicate for him not to worry about it, knowing damn well I’d be a hypocrite if I was angry at him for going off half-cocked. After all, I did the same thing not long ago. It may sound insane, but I’m hoping for different results this time.

Damian presses the gun tighter against Darin’s head wound, causing him to let out a loud groan.

Irelynn gasps slightly, causing Damian’s gaze to move to her. “Ahh, there she is. Hello again, Irelynn.” His smile is maniacal as he scans her from head to toe.

“Don’t fucking look at or speak to her,” I roar, fury sweeping through my body, making my skin flush.

Damian’s gaze searches mine. “Ohhh so protective of your precious woman.” He watches me intently as he says, “William was very protective of her, too.”

I keep my face and body carefully controlled. He’s looking for any weakness he can use against me. He already knows my biggest one stands beside me.

His eyes rove over her body again, before moving back to mine. “She is quite feisty. I understand the allure.”

Raising my gun higher, I’m ready to shoot the motherfucker in the head. He shifts his body, effectively using Darin as a shield.

“Pussy move. Afraid of getting shot, Damian?” I cock my eyebrow, challenging him. Hoping to get him to do something stupid. Make any kind of mistake that I can use to my advantage.

“You better be one helluva shot, Max. Or else you’ll shoot your friend.” His remark is intentionally belittling, trying to remind me who has the upper hand.

The fucker is right. I don’t have a clear shot.

Still, I keep my gun trained, waiting for an opportunity. Darin groans as he shoves him again. I can’t tell how bad his injuries are but for Darin not to be fighting, it’s a clear indication to me he’s hurt pretty bad.

Damian’s green eyes slide over to Irelynn. “I’ll admit, you served a better purpose than I hoped.” He lets out a loud, vile laugh that echoes around the steel and concrete walls. “Dear ole dad was quite angry at William for going soft.” He pauses, hoping to get under her skin. “You changed mydearhalf-brother, and not for the better.”

“I said, don’t fucking talk or look at her, you bastard.” My voice shakes from my rage.

“Bastard. Poor choice of words.” He gives me a wry grin. “At one time, I was the bastard. The unwanted son. But not anymore. Thanks to William’s obsession with her and his changed demeanor, he’s no longer the golden child. In fact, our father has written William out of the will.”

Irelynn stiffens behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the defiant look she’s giving him. “Do you really think William cares about that?” She laughs, shaking her head like he’s crazy. “William already has more money from his business ventures than his dear old dad.”

Inwardly, I curse her.

But then I see the effect her words are having on Damian. It’s distracting him, causing him to worry less about Darin, andalmostgives me a clear shot.

Admiration for her rolls through me.Keep it up, Irelynn. It’s working.

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