Page 15 of Tremors of Desire

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Moving away from him, I walk around my vehicle, my eyes scanning the parking lot quickly as I reach my hand out, grabbing the driver’s side door handle. Freezing, I’m unable to pull the door open, my breath hitching as I blink several times, my gaze frozen on another vehicle.

A black BMW is parked in the back of the lot, the shadows from the trees behind it making it hard for me to see ifhe’sin it. I shield my eyes with my hand but it’s impossible to be certain if it’s William’s car and if he’s watching and waiting for me.

He loved his black beamer in high school.

I feel Max beside me, his baby blues studying my face before his head lifts, gazing in the same direction. Turning my head, my eyes lock with his as his face regards me with concern.

“I’m pretty sure that’s William’s car. He had a BMW in high school.”

He grabs my arm. “Get in your car and lock your door. I’m going to follow you home.”

“Max, I don’t want to put you out like—” I stop as his sharp gaze bores into mine, rendering me speechless.

“And I don’t want to feel responsible if I let you go home alone, and he fucking does something to you. Hurts you… or worse.” His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard.

His expression causes me to relent and warmth spreads through me at his protectiveness. “Okay.” Climbing inside my SUV, I lock the door, putting my window down as I grab my seat belt.

“My motorcycle is right there. Not far from you. Put your window up and don’t leave until I start moving my bike, okay?” He taps the top of the door gently, his face softening as his eyes roam over my frightened face. “It will be okay, Irelynn. I’m here.” His voice comes out as nearly a whisper. “I won’t let him hurt you.”

Swallowing hard, my eyes lock on his. Feeling reassured by what I see in them, my body relaxes slightly. He steps back, waiting until I close my window. His eyes move to the BMW, then he turns and hurries to his bike.

After straddling the seat, he pulls his helmet on quickly. I can’t help staring at his muscular thighs as they flex and strain against his jeans with his movements.

God, Irelynn, what the hell? Stop acting like hormones on parade.

The motorcycle roars to life and my eyes flit to the rearview mirror, noticing the reflection of the beamer several rows behind me. Squinting, I still can’t tell if William is inside it.

Maybe that’s a good thing.

Turning my head back to Max, he gives me a nod and I throw my vehicle in reverse, backing out. As I put it in drive and hit the gas, Max is already behind me.

Driving through the lot, I avert my eyes from the BMW. As I glance in my rearview mirror again, I see Max’s helmet turned toward the car.

William is in the car.

It’s in the tense set of Max’s shoulders as he stares at it.

Turning up the radio once I’m on the road and campus disappears in the mirrors behind me, I find myself relaxing, especially when I glance in my mirror and see Max’s large frame on his motorcycle.

God, if Vanessa knew any of this, she would give me so much shit right now.

Stopping at a red light, I grab my phone from my purse beside me.Speak of the devil.I read her text, glancing up at the light every so often, then put it down. I accelerate when the light turns green, trying not to wonder if Max will simply cruise through the parking lot of my apartment complex and leave, or if he’ll stop and get off his bike.

Pulling into my parking lot, I find a space close to my front door, then cut the engine. Max pulls in beside me and I lower the window. He shocks me by cutting his bike’s engine and pulling his helmet off. Hanging it from his handlebars, he stands and gets off his motorcycle, his jeans straining around his powerful quads. My heart pounds furiously with every step he takes, bringing him closer to me. He scans the parking lot and then the apartment complex before turning his attention to me.

“You shouldn’t text and drive.” A grin slides across his face.

“I didn’t. I read a text at the red light but didn’t respond. Ergo, I wasn’t texting and driving,” I respond indignantly, making his grin widen as his eyes twinkle. “It was important. My roommate left town for an emergency, and I wanted to make sure she was okay.” I hold out my phone as if to show him the proof.Why the hell am I explaining myself to him?

His blue eyes darken from the worry and fear swirling through them. “You’re going to bealonetonight?”

Oh hell. I hadn’t even thought about that yet.The second Max would have ridden away, the terror would have overwhelmed me. But I was too distracted by him to focus on that. The feelings of safety that wrapped around me in his presence let me forget the danger swirling around me.

Deep inside, I know the danger that lurks around me.

I’m going to be alone all night and likely, most of the day tomorrow.

His expression softens as he sees my panic. Max’s voice is calm as he reaches through my window, his hand grabbing mine and gently giving it a reassuring squeeze. “If you are okay with it, how about I help you carry your books to your door? I don’t have to go inside; I can just stand on the porch and wait until you go in and lock it.”
