Page 28 of Tremors of Desire

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Not the time, Max.

Shaking my head at myself, I stand, heading toward the door. I point to the shoes she’s now wearing. “Saucony?”

A smile spreads across her face. “Yup.”

Grinning, I squeeze her hand quickly, then let go. “Stay behind me, okay? And if I tell you to run, you go inside and shut and lock the door.”

“Max, I’m not going to leave you outside byyourself,” she hisses.

“Irelynn.” My voice is sharper than I intended, and her eyes widen. But she regains her composure quickly.

“Wait here.” She hurries from the room and my brows lower, wondering what the hell she’s doing. She returns a few minutes later with a tennis racket.

“We’re going to play tennis?” A smirk is on my lips as she rolls her eyes.

“No, smartass. If William is out there and tries attacking you, I’m gonna hit him with this.” She tightens her hands around the racket, a death grip on the handle. As she regards my expression, her face falls, and she lowers the racket. “What?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “I’ve just never had a girl threaten to beat someone with a tennis racket if a guy attacked me.”

A smile quirks her lips up. “Well, I’m not gonna stand there and do nothing. And I’mnotleaving you out there alone, dammit. I refuse.”

“You’re cute.” I didn’t mean to say it, and my shocked expression matches hers, both our mouths dropping open.

Shit. Why did I say that?

“Hey, don’t patronize me. I have a racket.” She twirls it around, then holds it like a baseball bat.

I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. “I could disarm you in two seconds, sweetheart, so don’t try to threaten me.” I give her a teasing grin. “Come on, racket girl. Let’s go check things out.”

She salutes me, and I shake my head.

Lord help me with this one.

Chapter eleven



As we move to the door, I quickly swing my tennis racket, attempting to tap Max on the ass with it. But he’s fast as lightning, spinning around and grabbing the racket, pulling me against his warm torso. His musky, woodsy smell flows through me, and my breathing changes, expelling faster from my lungs.

It feels so good to be in his arms. Too damned good. And… wow, he is hard. I feel him pressed against my ass.Glancing down, I take in my short ass shorts.I probably should have changed before he came over.

“Told you I could disarm you.” His voice rumbles low and deep against my ear, affecting me on a level I’ve never experienced. His warm breaths flow across my skin, covering my body in goosebumps.

For a brief moment, all my worries about William disappear. Soaking up the warm radiating from his skin, I close my eyes. Until reality hits me in the face, causing me to pull away.

Straightening my shoulders, I try to appear unaffected by him as I spin around, facing him. “I’ve gotta up my game.”

“Or just play tennis and not try to hit me with the racket,” he jokes, handing it back to me.

“Ah, the man has jokes.” I stick my tongue out at him, making him laugh.

“Okay, not to change the subject, but rather than stand inside and swing rackets around all night. Are you ready to check things out?” The playfulness leaves his eyes as a serious look replaces it. He turns on the flashlight on his phone, and I step closer to him, my hand automatically moving to the back of his form-fitting shirt, clinging to it.

He looks at me over his shoulder, blue eyes full of warning. “I don’t have to tell you—”

“I know, I know. Stay behind you.” My lips press together and my jaw clenches as determination steels my spine. “But don’t suggest I refrain from hitting that motherfucker with this racket if he’s out there.”
