Page 57 of Tremors of Desire

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Chapter twenty-two



Max and I head across campus to Stevenson Hall. It’s the last week of August and the sun shines brightly over the campus, warming our skin. Max reaches over and gently grabs my hand and gives me a smile that is as bright as the sun overhead. My petite hand feels safe and warm in his, and with him beside me, I feel more confident.

Especially with William’s return.

The conversation was awkward when I was worried about Vanessa being a target since she told William to leave me the hell alone. As I told him about Vanessa and I becoming best friends in college and her not knowing about my past with William, I mentioned “stalking me and… stuff” in the conversation with him. Max’s brows raised. I saw the question in his eyes, wondering what “stuff” happened between William and me.

But I can’t tell him that. Not yet. It’s too soon and I’m really afraid he’ll disappear from my life if he knows.

It was hard enough revealing the details of what happened during the party at William’s house to my therapist. I really had no intention of talking about it to anyone, other than Mike and his girlfriend, Janelle, but my therapist was so amazing that I inadvertently blurted it all out.

Max holds the door open for me and we head up the stairway together.

“So, why are you taking Social Psychology? As a free elective or for a minor?” I ask.

“I’m minoring in Psychology.” He grins at me. “And I’m really glad I am, considering I get to have class with you.”

“Me too. Added bonus, Professor Wilkins is supposed to be really dynamic and engaging. I was going to take the class last fall, but she was on sabbatical.” We are at the top of the stairs in the stairwell. My voice lowers as Max’s hand goes to the door handle. “I’m really glad she was, otherwise, we wouldn’t be heading into class together.” My heart races as I grin at him, hoping I can concentrate on class sitting beside him.

His smile is wide as he holds the door for me. “After you, madam.”

I step through the door, waiting for him, as he lets two other students walk through before he steps through the door. “Did anyone ever tell you how nice you are?” I expect my compliment to make him happy, but instead, it has the opposite effect.

His entire body tenses and his gaze drops to the floor. “Not in a very long time, if ever.”

His reaction is unexpected and puzzles the hell out of me. He looks upset, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard. His head tilts down, a frown marring his lips. It’s almost as though he doesn’t feel deserving of my compliment.

“Max, are you okay?” I put my hand on his arm, stopping him from moving forward.

He pauses, then turns his head to me, a fake smile on his lips. “Yeah, I’m good.” He continues heading toward an empty desk in the middle of the room, an aloofness swirling in the air around him.

I’m taken aback by his changed demeanor. I don’t buy that he’s fine, not with the way he’s acting.It’s like he’s hiding something.

Making my way to the desk beside his, he unpacks his stuff, his spine stiff and muscles taut. I unpack my class materials, still watching him.

He turns his head toward mine. “I’m good, Irelynn. Really. Sometimes it’s hard for me to take compliments. I’m not used to receiving them.” A weak smile crosses his lips.

I’m still not fully convinced, but I let it go. For now. “Well, get used to them. Because you deserve them, Max.”

He lifts one shoulder in a shrug. “If you say so.” He puts his backpack on the floor beside him.

“Don’t make me get the tennis racket after you,” I joke, hoping to lighten his mood.

He turns, a bright smile on his face, eyebrows raised. “Don’t you remember what happened last time?”

Shivering slightly, my body instantly reacts to his words and the heat in his eyes.

“Are you threatening me with a good time?” My smile is flirtatious, but internally, I’m shocked as hell that I just said that to him.

Leaning closer, he says, “Baby, I’m happy to disarm you any time.”

His scent permeates the air around me, and I inhale deeply, hoping he doesn’t notice. But the smirk turning up the corners of his very kissable lips tells me he does.

He should patent and name it his panty-discarding smile because I’m ready to fling mine off and throw myself at him.
