Page 66 of Tremors of Desire

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Irelynn lowers her head and begins typing. A few seconds later, my phone beeps, and I pull it from my pocket, reading it.

Irelynn: I hope she lets us out early.

I grin as I respond to her text.

Me: Why? Boring class… or is there another reason?

She grins, her shoulders shaking from her giggles.

Irelynn:Another reason. You.

Me: Oh yeah? Does that mean you’re anxious to see me?

Irelynn: Yes. I’ll show you how much once I walk out that door.

My head lifts from my phone, heat boring from my gaze.

So much for not having a hard-on.

Luckily, students start packing up their materials, indicating class is over. Irelynn quickly throws her materials in her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder as she makes her way out the door.

As soon as she’s in front of me, her hands rub over my chest, sliding behind my neck. My hands grip her waist, pulling her against me as our mouths fuse together.

I’ve kissed Brianna in public, but never like this. Despite my normal hesitancy toward public displays of affection, I can’t keep my hands or lips off Irelynn.

Apparently, neither can she.

Vanessa’s voice in our ears causes us to break apart. “Jesus, Irelynn, why don’t you just tear his clothes off right here and blow him?”

I pretend to cough to cover the loud laugh that escaped my lips, especially since Irelynn’s face turns about five different shades of red. She smacks Vanessa’s arm, an embarrassed laugh leaving her as she scans the hallway.

“Jesus, Vanessa. I think you can get more volume if you speak from your diaphragm.”

Vanessa folds her arms across her torso, amusement on her face as she takes in my expression. “I caught the whole show as I was walking down the hall, so I witnessed you walking out of your classroom and climbing Max like a tree.”

Vanessa pats my shoulder in sympathy, her emerald eyes twinkling. “You’re going to give the poor guy blue balls if you keep that up.”

Turning my head, I try to hide my loud snicker but fail miserably. Irelynn looks so adorably embarrassed. She hides her face against my chest, shaking her head slightly. Pulling back, she looks chagrined. “I only pretend to be friends with the crazy girl beside us. She must be off her meds again.”

Vanessa grins, pinching Irelynn’s ass, which causes Irelynn to squeal and whirl around, swatting at Vanessa again.

“Damn it, Vanessa. You need to stop doing shit like that.”

“What shit?” Using both hands, Vanessa grabs Irelynn’s boobs, causing Irelynn to back into me.

“Shit like that.” Irelynn crosses her arms over her chest to protect her bust from Vanessa.

I laugh at them, shaking my head. “Vanessa, stop getting to second base with Irelynn. I’m getting jealous. I haven’t gotten there yet,” I tease, making Vanessa laugh.

“Judging from the way she was devouring your face when I arrived, you’ll be sliding into home soon.”

“Oh my God,” Irelynn whirls around, burying her face in my shirt again, her voice muffled. “Seriously, I think I’m going to die from embarrassment.”

That only makes Vanessa laugh harder.

“I don’t think you can really die from embarrassment, beautiful, so you’re safe.” I grin as she tilts her head up, her face scarlet. I don’t know what it is about her blush that makes me so damned hot. It’s really not a good idea to pick her up, throw her over my shoulder, and find a deserted classroom. No matter how hot that image is inside my head.

The timer on my phone beeps. “We better get you to your next class, gorgeous.”
