Page 82 of Tremors of Desire

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After changing into my running tights and a tank top, I pull my hair into a messy ponytail. Grabbing my iPhone and earbuds, I search through my running playlists, then press the button, music thrumming through my ears.

Locking my apartment door, I tuck my key inside the little pocket of my tights and head toward the woods, my pace slow to warm up my muscles, increasing my speed as I head into the woods.

The air is brisk this morning as my feet pound against the mossy earth of the forest, my leg muscles propelling me faster. My lungs burn from my heavy breathing and swift pace. Impatiently, I brush my hand over the sweat that beads on my forehead.

As I run, my mind won’t stop spinning with thoughts of me and Max. I’m so absorbed in them that I stumble over a rock, barely managing to keep from falling. I need to focus, because if I fall and get hurt, Max and Vanessa will know I ran alone in the woods.

Despite my efforts to concentrate on my run, my thoughts pivot to Max.

I can’t wait to see his face when I show up with donuts and coffee.

Excitement courses through my body, my legs moving faster, arms pumping, wanting to finish this run and head back to my apartment so I can change and go see him.

My eyes lift from the trail and my heart nearly stops beating.

William is standing right in front of me!

Before I have time to react, his hands grasp my arms tightly, his lips curled in their trademark smirk.

“Hello, goldilocks.” His eyes flit over my body appreciatively, then back to mine, pinning me in place.

Heavy breaths expel from my lungs as panic and fear war inside me, battling for dominance.

“William, let me go.” My voice is shaky, and I swallow hard as my heart thunders inside my chest. My gaze searches the woods for signs of anyone that may be able to intervene, but we are alone.

“Relax, Irelynn.” William’s voice is oddly calm. “I just want to talk to you.”

“I don’t want to talk toyou.” I tug against his grip, trying to twist or pull free. There’s a sour taste in my mouth from him standing too close to me. “William, if you don’t fucking let me go right now, I’m going to report you for stalking.” My false bravado rings through my ears.

William lets out an evil laugh that echoes in the woods around us. ls run down my spine from the reverberations that come at me in all directions, the malicious sound making my entire body tremor.

“Go ahead.” He raises his brow, cocking his head at me, stepping further into my personal space. “Have you forgotten who I am, Goldilocks? How well known the Anderson name is? The connections my father, and subsequently, me, have with law enforcement, judges, politicians, and many others, nationally and internationally.” His laugh is condescending as he hitches a brow, challenging me. “Call them. Tell them that I’m ‘stalking’ you.”

Fear coils in my stomach at his words. Deep down, I know he’s right. It’s one of the reasons Mike and I didn’t do anything after the incident in high school. We knew we were fighting a losing battle, and my reputation would suffer, not his.

Analyzing me, William’s smile is full of malice. “How about I tell them what happened in high school, Irelynn? I can tell them about you coming to my party and getting wasted. I told you not to drink the punch. I warned you a few times, butyouwouldn’t listen. Then youwillinglywent to my room with me.”

I cringe, turning my head, breaths heaving in and out of my lungs from his words.

He continues, “The second I closed my bedroom door, you were all over me, grabbing at my clothes,wanting me.”

Nausea rises in my throat.

It’s true I was drunk, consuming too much punch. William did warn me, but I was defiant and drank it anyway. As the night went on, I kept drinking it, but by that point, I was too buzzed to care about his warnings.

Tears spring to my eyes. “Y-y-you… you wouldn’t d-dare.”

He pushes me back against a tree. “Wouldn’t I?” His ice-blue eyes blaze with a challenge and a promise. He makes a tsking sound. “You know me better than that,sweetheart.”

Turning my head, I close my eyes, struggling against his grip. But it’s no use. His fingers don’t loosen.

He seems to be getting off on my fear.

“William, please, just let me go.” My eyes plead with his.

“I have another incentive to keep you quiet,” he singsongs in my ear. A venomous sneer is on his face, his icy eyes boring into me. “Your little friend, Vanessa.” He pauses, letting his words sink in. He raises his brows. “You wouldn’t want to see herinjured, would you?”

I swear my heart ceases to beat as I stare at him, hatred welling from deep inside me. “You wouldn’t dare.”
