Page 16 of Naughty List

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“Ice one, Zeus zero,” I smirk.

“Fucker. You were always a showoff,” he says as he racks the balls.

“Damn right. So, how are things going? I noticed you kept checking the bar out and the area around it.”

“We’re doing okay. There have been some issues with a rival gang, but what’s new right now?”

“Nothing, it’s the same shit, different day.”

“You got that right, brother,” he says, breaking the balls. “What’s going on with you and Sunny?” He stops playing pool and looks me in the eye.

“I’m going to lock shit down with her this time. I fucked up years ago, and I’m not letting her out of my life. I won’t fuck up again.”

“That’s good. I’m so proud of what you have done with your life after getting sober. You’ve come so far from the hell you had yourself in.”

“Without Sunny, I would’ve already been in the ground.”

Zeus nods in confirmation, knowing it too. “Stripes.” He misses. “Fuck. Are you going to clean the table again?”

“I’ll go easy on ya.” I wink and sink in two balls before missing. We continue the rest of the afternoon bullshitting around the pool table. Brothers come in from work and runs, and we take turns running the table.

Sunny comes up to me and sits on my lap as I’m taking a break from playing. Yeah, I need to grab onto her for good because women like her only come around once in a lifetime.



For the first time today, I’m sitting down and documenting patients. I love my job and patients, but I’m thankful I had some time away from here. We got back to Los Angeles the day before yesterday. It’s been a rough shift with Marjorie, and I want nothing more than to see Ice. The time we’ve spent together has made me fall more in love with him. The man he is now is the man I always knew he could be if he got off the drugs.

Marjorie sits down in another chair beside me. “I was notified that Dallas is suing the hospital as well as the entire medical team.”

“Please tell me you’re joking?”

“I wish I was, but we followed procedure and did everything we could for her. He’s on a witch hunt.”

“He’s out of control. None of this will bring Imogene back to life.”

“You and I both know that, but he doesn’t see it that way. But don’t worry about it. The hospital has attorneys, and they will handle everything.”

“Are you positive?”

“Yes, I’m positive. So, what are you doing for New Year’s Eve?” She wiggles her eyebrows.

I chuckle. “I’m going over to Ice’s and ringing the New Year in with him. Hopefully, this is the first of many.” I smile, thinking about how much closer we are now.

“Sounds like a good time.”

“When Ice is involved, it’s always a good time.”

An alarm begins to go off, and our conversation ends there. We rush to the patient who is coding, and we work on bringing her back. The doctor rushes into the room, barking orders to save the girl’s life. Fifteen minutes after adding fluids, pushing meds, and praying, the alarm quiets, and a steady heartbeat fills the room. We breathe relief and begin cleaning up the room.

This month has been hellacious for the patients and their families. I hope the new year cleanses the unit and brings good news and positivity with it because, after all the stuff Dallas has brought in here, it’s been pretty dark.

Shift change comes, and I’m glad to be off work for a few days. I go home and feed Nala, then shower. I get dressed and head over to the club to spend New Year’s Eve with Ice. The roads are busy on the way to the club. I park and walk into the clubhouse. Ice is sitting on the couch, and he stands when he sees me come in.

“Hey, baby.” He pulls me into his chest, giving me a hug. “How’s it goin’?”

“I’m glad to have a few days off from work because it was hectic,” I say as he sits down and pulls me onto his lap. “I was informed that the patient’s father is suing the hospital and the medical team that worked with her.”
