Page 17 of Naughty List

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“The hospital will handle that, or they should.”

“That’s what Marjorie said too.”

“Then you don’t worry about it.”

“I’m sure they will look into the care that I provided.”

“Who cares? Let ‘em, Sunny. You’re a damn good nurse and did everything by the book.”


“Let me take you out on the town tonight.”

“We should stay in with it being New Year’s Eve.”

“No, we’re not. Let’s go.” He pushes me up off his lap and swats my ass. “See ya all later,” he says to his brothers, and he grabs my hand.

We walk out to his bike, gets on, and I follow.

“Where are we going?”

“To see what kind of trouble we can get into.” He chuckles and starts his bike, and we pull out of his parking space.

The wind through my hair feels amazing as I wrap my arms around Ice’s waist and lie my face on his back. Ice smoothly weaves in and out of the LA traffic, and we end up in a park with loads of food trucks. Roach coaches have some of the best food.

He parks the bike, and I get off and look around as he gets off.

“What sounds good, baby?” Ice asks as he grabs my hand.

“Mexican.” I smile.

“Let’s go then.”

He pulls me in the direction of the street taco truck, and I order one carne asada taco, and he orders six, knowing that I’ll eat two of his. There are tables spread throughout the park, and we find one under the shade. I’m starving, and I inhale my taco and take one of Ice’s. He laughs as I grab one and put it up to my mouth.

“I was hungrier than I thought I was.” I wink and take a bite of the spicy deliciousness.

“There’s something else you can put in your mouth later.” He smirks as he wipes sauce off the corner of my mouth.

“Oh, is that right? I think that can be arranged.” I wink as I bite into the taco and the spiciness tingles my tongue as I chew. I think ice cream or something might be in order after this.

I sit back as Ice finishes eating, and I never thought I would be here with him. Tears prickle my eyes as I think about what all we’ve been through. We’re lucky that he’s alive, and I’m happy to get this time with him.

“Are you full, or are you wanting something else?”

“Gelato sounds amazing. I saw a truck on our way here.”

“Whatever you want, baby.” He stands up, and I grab our trash to throw it away.

We walk hand in hand to the gelato truck, and this time I don’t have a hard time picking out a large container of death by chocolate to eat.

* * *

We arrive back at the club a little before midnight.

“Let’s watch the ball drop,” I say as we get into his bedroom.

“Find the channel, baby, and we’ll get in bed to watch it.”
