Page 27 of Naughty List

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A few moments pass, and a woman who I’ve seen fill in for Calvin when he’s on vacation comes up to us. We walk to the locker room, and I head to the sink to scrub my hands the best I can. Tears run down my face. I can’t believe this happened here. I dry my hands and wipe my face. The linen cabinet is outside of the locker room, and I walk out there to get towels and clean scrubs to shower.

I strip off my clogs and clothes, then get under the scalding hot water, and let it rinse away everything about this day.

When I arrive back on the unit, Calvin finds me. “Sunny, Marjorie didn’t make it.”

“Thank you for telling me. I knew when they took her to the ED that she was already gone.”

“You did what you could.”

“But it never feels like it’s enough.”

“I know. The detective is ready for you if you’re able to talk to him now.”

“Yes, I want to do it now while it’s fresh in my mind.”

We go to his office, and I meet with the detective, Samuel Black. He’s nice and asks me questions about Dallas. He asked me about the prior assault and verbal assault that happened while at work. I tell him everything that has happened and thank God that Calvin and Marjorie had me report everything that happened with Dallas. The process takes fifteen minutes because everything is on record. Unfortunately, this will further destroy his life . . . and his family too.

The night progresses, and Brenda, a fill-in nurse supervisor, comes and chats with the staff. “Sunny, you’ve witnessed a lot. I suggest you see someone to talk about what you witnessed tonight. I believe it’s a good idea that you take some time off.”

“I know, but I’m okay. I’ll take my time off around Valentine’s Day as planned. I need to be here more now since we are short-staffed. I want to work and help these kids.”

“I can respect that, but you should at least take the rest of the night off.”

“No, there are kids that need me, especially now with all the commotion and chaos that has been up here today. They need familiarity and stability.”

The manager nods her head and walks away. She knew I wasn’t going to leave. I go to the nurses’ station and catch up on what I missed with my patients. I’m ready to get on the floor and meet with my kids.



Sunday rolls around, and I’m going to spend the day with Sunny. If it was up to me, she wouldn’t be going back to work, she would be under me full time, but I won’t interfere with her dreams. She loves working with the children. Dallas better be thankful that he’s behind bars because he would be dead. If he steps outside of jail, he will be dead. He threatened one of the most precious things in my life, and I won’t forget.

Since Sunny’s been feeling better than she was a few weeks ago and with the Dallas drama, I’m going to take her out for a ride and pizza. I drive to her place and go to her door, and knock.

I hear the door unlock, and it opens, and Sunny stands in the doorway, looking smoking hot. I’m going to have to think of something else if I want to make it out of her apartment and take her out on a date.

“Hey, Ice. Come on in,” she says as she moves out of the doorway and stands back, letting me in.

I stop beside her and kiss her cheek. “Hey, baby. How are you?”

“I’m good, just doing some dishes before we do whatever we decide to do.”

“I thought we would go for a ride in the hills and then grab something to eat.”

“That sounds like fun since it’s been a few weeks since we’ve been out.”

“That’s what I thought. Is there anything that I can help you with?”

“No, I’m about finished. Oh, I want to remind you that Valentine’s Day is coming up, and we’re going to go see Octavia, Zane, and Neo.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll take you, and I’m good for it, but I’m driving.”

“I can take turns driving with you.”

“I would like us to make it there in one piece, especially our vehicle. I’ll drive the truck since it’s gonna be cold up there.”

“I’m not that bad of a driver.”
