Page 9 of Naughty List

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I jerk my arm from him, stepping away. “I’m not telling you again. We did everything that we could for your daughter. We treat all of our patients the same, Dallas. Just because you’re a politician doesn’t mean that your daughter should have received better care than everyone else.”

“Imogene should be alive. You killed her!” he seethes.

“Dallas, we didn’t kill her. The cancer was too much for her to overcome. We gave her the best care possible, and sometimes that isn’t enough to beat cancer.” I try to put distance between him and me, but he notices and steps closer.

“You’re going to pay for Imogene’s death. It’s on you,” he spits out the last words as he pushes me against the wall.

“Sunny?” Majorie calls out, rounding the corner. “Are you—I need security!” she yells out as she walks quickly toward us.

Dallas lets go of me and runs in the opposite direction. I stand there stunned.

“Are you okay, Sunny?” Majorie asks as she checks me out.

“Yea, he threatened me again.”

“You need to make sure to report him. This isn’t acceptable, and the police probably should be involved at this point,” Majorie states as Calvin comes running behind her.

“I’m okay. I know he’s grieving—”

“But that doesn’t give him the right to come after you for something you couldn’t control. You don’t see our other parents acting like him,” she comments. “Calvin, Dallas was here again, verbally threatened Sunny, and I saw his hands on her.”

I feel bad for him because I couldn’t imagine what it’s like to lose a child, but fuck, I’m not going to put up with this.

“Sunny, I’ll get the report written up, but I will need your statement,” Calvin states as he looks at my arms where Dallas had ahold of me. “That’s hard enough to file assault charges with the police.”

“I’ll do the report with the upstairs, but that’s it.” I’ll talk to Ice when I get off work.

“Go ahead and go with Calvin, and I’ll take care of your patients while you’re gone,” Marjorie states, giving me a hug.

“Thank you.”

I head to Calvin’s office and report to him exactly what happened so we can let upstairs know. After that, I go freshen up in the locker room and finish my day without any incidents. When I leave work, I make sure to walk out to my SUV with someone just in case Dallas decides to hang around. Ice couldn’t come get me tonight, so he made sure I was extra safe and told me exactly what to do when I left. Even though he couldn’t come get me, I still call Ice on my way home and ask him to meet me at my place.

When I get there, he’s waiting on me, and I get out of the vehicle.

“I didn’t expect to see you so soon with ya working so much.” He gets off his bike and walks over to me.

“There was shit that went on at work. Let’s get inside, and we’ll talk about it.”

“It must be pretty fucked up since you’re in a tizzy.”

I nod and unlock the door, letting us both in, and Ice closes and locks the door behind him.

“Spill it.”

“That patient’s father, he threatened me again today. I don’t know why, but I have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m sure he will follow through with his threats if he gets the chance.

“What did the fucker say to you?”

“You know, the typical. Iwillpay for his daughter’s death.”

He rubs his face. “This is exactly why I’m taking you to and from work. I’m not letting you out of my sight, Sunny. If this motherfucker looks in your direction again, I’ll kill him.”

“I don’t know if that is necessary.”

Ice pulls me into his chest, and I wrap my hands around his neck. “I’ll be damned if I sit back and let someone threaten you. They are as good as dead if they touch you.” He kisses me roughly, and I kiss him back. “Want to have a Netflix and chill night?”

“If your idea of chilling is fucking, then yes,” I smirk. “I need to take a shower, though.”
