Page 18 of Pursued

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Turning to face everyone I say, “Why do you act like this isn’t who I’ve always been? I don’t need to roughhouse and talk shit to enjoy myself.”

“Whoa, man. Nobody is saying that.” Raymond’s hands shoot up defensively. “You do nothing but work, and it’d be nice to see you once in a while. Hell, the last time you met for a pickup game at the park, I think Tino only had one whisker. Look at him now. Five. Five, man. You’re missing out on all his growing up.”

My eyes drift across the fire to where Tino is sitting. Full beard on his face and two middle fingers directed at Raymond. This draws a laugh from me, which awards me with a round of applause from the assholes I call family.

“How about I promise to host the fights next month?”

“You getting wings?”


“There better be beer.”

The chorus of demands from everyone in response to my invitation brings a true smile to my face. I settle back into my chair and for the next few hours, enjoy the time with everyone until another week rears its ugly head. I can only hope this week doesn’t involve scaling walls. I’d take a nice week of radar and traffic tickets.

“I’m going to head out.”

Mom turns around, her hands holding a dish towel. The rest of the family has finally filtered out and Dad is fast asleep in his recliner. I was right that a night with family would make her happy. She looks relaxed if not a little tired.

“Did you say goodbye to your sister?”

Nodding, I step closer. “Yeah, before she went upstairs. Are you doing okay? I know when she leaves it’s hard on you.”

“I’m fine. Just happy she still comes back for visits. It’s hard to believe she’s so grown up. Sometimes I look at her and see that little girl with no front teeth.”

“Third grade. She had those awful bangs too. Tell me you’ve saved those photos for her wedding.”

Smiling, Mom steps up to me and places her hands on my cheeks. “Of course I did. Just like I have photos of you dressed as an old lady for Halloween.” Laughing, she boops my nose. “Uncle Cal told me to stop worrying.”

“Will you listen?”

“Not likely.”

“Mom, I do everything to keep myself safe. You know I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize my safety.”

Sighing, she steps toward the doorway. Before she leaves the kitchen she looks back at me, a bit of sadness in her eyes. “Gage, regardless of how much you try, the moment you put on that uniform, your safety is in the hands of others. I’m your mother, and I worry. For your safety but also your heart. You deserve to be loved; I wish you would open yourself up to the opportunity. Turn off the lights when you leave. I’m going to wake your father.”

Chapter 13


The hum of the gun does nothing to drown out Raymond and his never-ending monologue. I only have myself to blame for telling him my plans tonight. I started the piece on my back over a year ago and tonight is my last session. When we first met to finish the design, my artist, Enzo, warned me it would be a multi-session process. I’m sure if I had a different job or didn’t spend so much time in the gym, the healing would have progressed quicker.

“Can you believe it? Mysister.”

My head rolls to the side and I stare at my bozo cousin. “Why are you surprised Mia wants to go into law enforcement? It’s what our family does.”

Enzo doesn’t contribute to the conversation other than a snort. Thankfully he keeps his focus on the task and not my dipshit cousin.

“Yeah well, she should go to medical school or something. I can’t worry about her out on the streets.”

“How dare she not think of you before her own life plans. The audacity. Someone should talk to her.”

Raymond clenches his fist to lay a punch on my arm but a quick glare from Enzo stops him in his tracks. Instead, he says, “Yeah well, if it was Aubrey you’d be just as pissed.”

He’s right. We may be a family of cops and other first responders but the thought of my baby sister putting on a bullet-proof vest every day just to do her job makes my stomach sour. Thankfully, Aubrey has no intention of pursuing a career in law enforcement. Her goals are to teach children in low-income communities and help them achieve academic goals. I have no doubt she’ll help people much more than any of us cops ever will. Her heart is too good, and her drive is like no other.

“How would you feel about doing me a favor?”
