Page 41 of Pursued

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Do I stay holed up in this small town that makes streaming movies impossible for the rest of my life? What does he want?Who is he?!!!

Chapter 29


Dr. Vail is running twenty minutes late, which is unlike her. In the months I’ve been coming here, she’s always been waiting for me. Maybe it’s a professional pitfall but when people veer too far from their routine it triggers my curiosity. I chose this appointment time because it is after her lunch hour and I wouldn’t spend time sitting in this waiting room. I don’t like sitting idle. It makes me uncomfortable and alone to run through too many different scenarios. Memories.

Finally after what feels like an eternity, the door to her office opens and Dr. Vail stands in the doorway. Her expression isn’t exactly welcoming as she waves me in to follow her. Pushing off the leather chair, I glance to her assistant who offers a small smile. Again, not a promising look.

“Hello, Gage.”

“Um, hi. How are you Dr. Vail?”

She settles into her large floral print chair and motions for me to sit. It has been a long time since I’ve felt nervous. This feeling is a little like when Uncle Cal called me into his office and Blake was there with an offer that changed my life.

“I’m well, Gage. How are you?”

I watch as she reaches for her notebook and pen as I answer. “Good. Things are good.”

Dr. Vail is quiet and begins scribbling on the paper. When she looks up and removes her glasses, I know I’m about to get some sort of lashing.

“I apologize for being late for your session. I was conferring with Dr. Le and getting a little clarification on a few things. As you know, after retiring and obtaining my degree, I focused my work on transitioning officers. Officers who either chose to leave the force and those whose decision was not theirs alone.”

Lifting my chin in acknowledgement, I remain quiet while she continues. “The reason I mention this is because while you and I have made some progress over the last several weeks, I’m curious why you are intentionally avoiding the assignments I’ve given. Dr. Le seems to think you believe if you have a major progression in our sessions that you’ll have to decide if you, too, are one of those officers I typically work with. Is that the case?”

With my head resting on the back of the couch, I rub my hands down my face. Her damn assignments. Most are simple. Meditate. Exercise. Don’t isolate. Write to Vargas. The last one is likely what she’s talking about. No, I have no intention of completing that task.

“I haven’t decided on my future if that’s what you’re asking. Things are different. I’m different. When I started the academy I imagined myself following in my father’s footsteps. In my Uncle Cal’s. I wanted to do good things for my community. I wanted to help others and make things safer for the people I care about. Instead, I gave up my family. I jumped into the deep end of darkness and I’m fighting to get out. Is that what you want to hear? I don’t know.”

Dr. Vail smirks and what I’ve said rings in my ears. “Good. That’s what we both thought, but you can be a little stubborn, Gage.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “I’ve maybe heard that a time or two. Look, Doc. I don’t know what I’m doing about my future. All I know is I cannot be the man my parents raised me to be right now. There are too many... it’s just not possible right now.”

“Fair enough. So tell me about your week.”

“That’s it?”

“Don’t sound so shocked, Gage. You were honest with me and I appreciate it. How is the work going at the cabins?”

Grateful for the reprieve from discussing feelings and plans, I ease into the topic of Starlight Ridge and the work on Bruce’s cabins. This conversation is light, our flow more like that of friends than doctor and patient. I’m telling her about being at Tackle and More the other day when she leans forward, her face in a large smile.

“Tell me more about Sophia. How did you meet?”

“What? Oh, she’s... it’s complicated.”

“Lucky for you, complicated is my specialty.”

I know what I say here is privileged and with her own law enforcement background, Dr. Vail will understand the need to keep Sophia’s identity a secret. Maybe she’ll be able to offer me some guidance on how to help her while she’s in Starlight Ridge.

So I start from the beginning and share Sophia’s story. Dr. Vail listens and occasionally interjects a few thoughts on the reactions I’ve seen. Not that anyone would be surprised considering the level of stress she’s been living under.

“It sounds like you’ve both come into each other’s lives at the perfect time.” Her lips turn down into a slight frown. “I do worry though. For both of you,” she says.

“Why both of us? I’m fine. She’s the one being stalked.”

“Oh, Gage. You both know a little about being pursued. Yes, yours are memories and experiences while Sophia has someone tracking her every move. Regardless of the specifics, you both are protecting yourselves. That’s my concern.”

Sighing, I close my eyes and contemplate before asking, “What is the concern? I’m keeping an eye on her as Bruce asked. She’s lonely, and although we don’t know one another, we have met. I’m familiar.”
