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Those words play in my mind in a way they shouldn’t, period, and certainly not inside the walls of a church. Anything they want could be anything. Does that include me? Do I want it to include me?

I don’t know what I want, but one flash of Shades’ smiling face, and my whole body heats up, tingles settle in certain parts of my body. That kiss is as close as I’ve been to a man ever, yet here I am having naughty thoughts about the biker. In front of my pastor.

“I know you’re uncomfortable about this, Letty, but this is something that has to be done. You said you were done judging them. Are you sure about that?”

He’s misunderstood my silence so I rush to assure him. “Yes, I’m sure. Positive, in fact. I was just reminding myself that I can disapprove of someone’s lifestyle without disapproving of them as one of God’s children.”

Placated, Pastor Braden nods. “Good. That’s very good to hear.”

“We’re all a work in progress,” I remind him. “A wise man preached about it last week.”

He smiles and says, “Wise and striving to be wiser.”

I nod and wait until his smile starts to dim.

“Can you tell me why I have to give them anything they want, and what does everything include?”

“It includes money, Letty. I wish I could tell you more, but it’s better for everyone if I don’t. Keep track of what you give them somewhere unofficial and give it to me at the end of each week. Can you do that?”

“I can.”

I don’t like it, but I also don’t like the prospect of losing this job so quickly. And I can admit to myself that I do like the prospect of seeing Shades again.

“I promise. I may have questions, but I promise to do my job to the absolute best of my abilities.”

“That’s what I like to hear.”

He stands and sends me a grateful smile before shuffling out of my office.

Alone with my thoughts, I wonder what the pastor has gotten himself into and, more importantly, what he’s gotten me into.
