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“I got over my prejudice, and it seems like you’ve gotten over yours. All is forgiven,” he says.

“Just like that?” I ask.

Shades turns to me just before we reach the driveway, eyes dark in the glow of the fading moonlight.

He takes a step forward, and once again, I feel like the prey, and he’s the predator, ready to pounce.

“Yeah, Letty, just like that. I know what I look like to the outside world, but I know who I am as a man. I forgive you if that’s what you need to hear.”

I nod. “I guess maybe I do because I am sorry.”

“You can make it up to me,” he says, his voice low and deep.

I swallow around the lump in my throat at the heat in his eyes as he looks down at me and the way that heat shoots through me like a flaming arrow. “How?”

“Kiss me, Letty. Kiss me like you want me.”

A shuddery breath escapes at his words, and I nod. Like I want him. That shouldn’t be hard to do since I do want him, more than I’ve ever wanted a real life man and not a celebrity or the idea of a man.

I take a nervous step closer and put one hand to his chest, hard and defined under his jacket.

“I was looking forward to the tuxedo shirt,” I tell him, stalling for time.

How do you kiss a man like you want him? I want Shades, but initiating a kiss is beyond my comfort level.

Shades takes a step back, and my breath hitches. I’m sure I’ve made a mistake, talking when I should have been kissing him. His thumb and forefinger tug on the zipper of his jacket until it reveals the tuxedo t-shirt.


I flash a big smile in his direction as a laugh bubbles up out of me. One hand cups the back of his neck, and the next thing I know, I’m jumping the man, literally.

I jump in his arms and wrap my legs around his waist, pressing my lips against his and kissing him with everything I have in me. I’m not sure if the kiss is conveying exactly how much I want him, but our lips touch, and then my tongue slips out and slicks against his bottom lip and then his top lip.

Shades groans, and I do it again. He groans again and his hips jut forward. He’s hard against the soft part of me between my legs, and I gasp first and lick his lips again. Shades lets out a low growl that vibrates through my entire body, and I choose that moment to slide my tongue between his lips.

It's pure fire the moment my tongue touches his. My body is hot, overheated like a fever. Sweat trickles against my brow and my hairline, and I hold on tighter to him, afraid I might float away if I don’t. Our tongues dance together for long, intense moments, and I let myself get lost in the kiss.

Am I in heaven?

His big hands slide down my back and cup my rear end, and I gasp and jerk forward, a move that sends me up close and personal with his erection.

I sound like a prude. What do people who do these things call it? A dick? A cock? The family jewels?

Instinctively, my hips press against him, and I growl as fireworks set off behind my eyes and a tremble overtakes my body. It’s so many different sensations coming right on top of each other, and my mind is swirling with different thoughts.

Is this normal? Is this how it always feels to get intimate with a person or is this Shades’ specific?

A low buzzing noise sounds, and my right leg vibrates three times before it stops. We’re still kissing, his hips still slowly pumping against my core, and then the vibrating starts again.

Shades tears his mouth from mine with a grunt. “I should get that.”

I nod, breathless when I speak. “You should. Definitely.”

Shades nods and presses my back against the side of the house as he pulls his phone out.

“Yeah?” His brows dip as he listens to the voice on the other side of the call. “I’m on my way.” He ends the call and shoves the phone back into his pocket, a look of regret on his face.

“You have to go,” I say plainly. I’m disappointed, but I understand.
