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Chapter Twenty-Two


A virgin. A fucking virgin. Well, a former virgin now. Still, I can’t believe it. Me with a virgin, and there’s no fucking doubt in my mind that Letty is now my woman.

Hell, not just now. We can both deny it, but I’m pretty sure she’s been my woman since the moment I met her.

Shit, my cock is hard again just thinking about the way her pussy grips me tight, fits me like a goddamn glove. She was as tight as she was wet. I have a new understanding of why some men love virgins.

“You’re thinking awfully hard over there,” Letty says with a smile in her voice. She’s sitting cross-legged on the bed with her plate in her lap, her gaze fixed on me. “Are you having regrets? Worried that I’m now expecting a ring?”

“Are you?”

“No,” she sighs, but there’s a smile on her face. “You seem like a guy who has no desire to get married.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Don’t get offended.” She frowns at her plate and sets her fork down. “The food is still cold. I’ll go reheat it,” she says and jumps off the bed as if it’s on fire, and immediately, I know what she’s doing.

“I don’t get offended, Letty.”

She nods but grabs my plate and rushes from the room. I give her five seconds before putting on my boxers and joining her in the kitchen. She gasps when she sees me, and I grin at her looking like somebody’s wife in a floor-length nightgown. I’ll have to talk her into something sexier.

“You scared me. I’m coming upstairs.”

“You’re avoiding the question. Why do you think I have no desire to get married?”

She sighs and shakes her head. “Because, Shades, you’re over thirty, right?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Okay,” she nods. “If you had any desire to get married, you’d have a serious girlfriend. Or you might have had a serious relationship in your past. Did you? And if you did, where is she now?”

“No. I didn’t. I was in the military for most of my twenties. That’s not a time to get serious about anyone when you don’t know if you’ll be back in one piece, if at all.”

I’m also not sure a woman exists to make me want to get married, a thought I keep to myself because as selfish as I am, I want another go-round with her.

“Okay, fine.” She opens the microwave and shoves the dish inside angrily. Letty turns to me and folds her arms. “So you’re saying that marriage isn’t off the table?”

I smile and crook my finger for her to come closer. “I’m saying that it isn’t off the table for the future. But, Letty, baby, you don’t want to marry me.”

She shoves my chest. “Don’t tell me what I want.”

“But I do know what you want, Letty.” And right now, it aligns perfectly with what I want.

I think.

She rolls her eyes, and she’s about to say something sassy as I pull her closer and drop down into one of the plush chairs around the kitchen table.

“What is that, Mr. Know-It-All?”

“This.” I bend down and cup her ankles, slowly sliding my hands up her bare legs, taking the granny gown with me until the fabric is around her waist, baring her sweet little pussy to my gaze.

“In the kitchen?” She sounds horrified, and I just nod.

“Right here,” I tell her and pick her up by the waist, setting her on the table right in front of me. “This is the most appropriate place to eat, is it not?”

She gasps as I press a hand to her chest until she’s lying down on the table, finally realizing what is about to happen. “To eat?”
