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“N-no thanks. I’m fine,” I tell him with as much confidence as I can muster.

“Sit down, bitch.” He grips my shoulder tight and shoves me down into a chair. “Get the goddamn rope,” he barks, and another man jumps into action.

“What’s going on?” I ask the question, but I already know. Braden lured me here under false pretenses for these men. The patches on their vests tell me they are the guys Shades has been warning me about.

He was right. I should have stayed at home.

“What’s going on,” the man mimics my voice with a sneer. “Is that you are going to tell us what you know about Shades. Where is he right now? Did his boys raid my stash house?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know Shades, sure, but I don’t know anything about that. Why would I?”

“You’re fucking him, aren’t ya?”

I gasp. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

A tall Hispanic man laughs. He’d be almost handsome if not for the wicked look on his face. “You’ve got spunk. I can see why Shades is fucking you. But that’s not going to work on me. Where the fuck is he?”

“How should I know?” My body starts shaking with fear, and I shake my head back and forth, eyes closed as if I can somehow block out what’s happening or about to happen.

A heavy hand lands on my cheek with the hardest slap I’ve ever felt in my life.

“Wrong answer. Where is my fucking money?”

I’m going to die. That’s the only thought in my mind as my bladder empties all over the deep red carpet in Pastor Braden’s office.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell him, ignoring the embarrassment of peeing myself in front of complete strangers. “I don’t know,” I say one more time in defeat.

Forgive them, for they know not what they do. I beg of you, Father God, save me from this evil, from these wicked men. Show them Your light. Your power. Your love. In Jesus’ Holy Name, I pray. Amen.
