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Chapter Twenty-Nine


My eyes flutter open, and the first thing I see is a pair of kind, smiling blue eyes. Not green, blue. The first thought in my mind is that Shades has green eyes. Green, not blue.

I dart up to a sitting position, a little too fast, and scan the room. For what? I’m not sure at the moment. My mind is foggy, and my vision is a little blurry, but I know I have to get out of this room. Now.

“It’s all right, Letty.” The man has a deep soothing voice, and his hands on my shoulders are gentle as he settles me on my back on the semi-soft bed.

“I’m Nova, a friend of Shades.”

“Shades? Where is he?” I sit up again, and once again, the man called Nova gently presses me back onto the mattress.

“Where is he?” I ask again, more frantic this time.

Nova sighs and waits until I focus on his face. “Shades is handling club business right now. I promised him I’d look after you and keep you safe until he returns.”

Club business. My shoulders relax at those two words, and I nod in acknowledgment.

“How did I get here? The last thing I remember is Shades carrying me from the church.”

Like a real-life knight in shining armor, or should I say in worn leather?

“He got you out, but between the trauma of the evening and smoke inhalation, you were out cold.”

Nova smiles again and points to my arms and legs, and when I see for myself the damage the Kings did to me, my heart sinks.

“The rope burn will take some time to heal, but I’ve put this ointment on to prevent infection.”

He sets a tube on the table next to the bed. “The bruises will heal in their own time, and the smoke inhalation will cause your throat to hurt for the next few days. You might also experience shortness of breath, a wicked cough, and headaches until it goes away.”

Even though his list is extensive, I feel nothing but relief that my injuries aren’t more severe. “Thank you, Nova.”

“Of course.” He turns away and busies himself with cleaning up the chrome tray to his left.

“Why aren’t you taking care of business with them? You’re part of the club, aren’t you?”

“I am,” he confirms with a smile. “And I am taking care of business, you. You’re Shades’ girl, and you need help, which I gave you because I’m a doctor, and this is how I take care of club business.”

“You’re a club doctor?” I shake my head. “I didn’t even know that was a thing until recently.” I recall my shock when Shades told me they had their own medical team the first time I saw him hurt.

“Then again, I’ve had to learn the ins and outs of a motorcycle club rather quickly.” I laugh, and it turns into a painful cough.

“I’m a club doctor because I’m a doctor and a member of the Reckless Souls. Army trained with a license to practice medicine in the state of California. And Nevada.”

I shake my head at all the information. “You boys sure do like things complicated.” I reach for the bottle of water that’s just out of reach, and Nova hands it to me.

“Thanks,” I tell him and take a long sip of the cold water ignoring the questions running through my mind until they refuse to be ignored.

“What happened to Braden?”

Nova shrugs. “I don’t know. The guys haven’t come back, but nothing good, I imagine.”

“I thought he was a true man of God. Guess not,” I answer quickly, and instantly I feel bad. Whatever sins Pastor Braden has committed are between him and God. It’s not for me to judge him, but I can still be angry at his betrayal.

“Thank you, Nova, for taking care of me.”

“Not a problem,” he says easily. “You’ll have to take it easy for a few days. Monitor the soreness in your throat and the headaches. If you feel disoriented, get yourself to the ER right away.”
