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He was right. It hadn’t reached the end yet, and Rhianne tensed as a familiar Spanish-accented voice spoke.

“Turn yourselves over to me, or the girl dies,” Arturo instructed.

Just that. Nothing more and the bleak plainness made it all the more terrifying.

“Ian, thoughts?” Charlie asked, adding to Rhianne, “He’s done a lot of research into cartels, especially those looking to extend their reach into the States via San Diego.”

Ian blew out a breath. “Arturo’s mid-level at the most, which means he has the big bosses to answer to. And my guess is Arturo’s not exactly flavor of the month with those bosses since the auction was ruined. He’ll need to save face in front of the rest of the cartel.”

“And delivering the heads of the Bronte Security Services team to the higher-ups would do just that,” Eric ground out.

Rhianne had been thinking the same, but hearing it said out loud sent fear coursing through her.

“Right.” Charlie stood. “No time to sit around. We have to move fast. Let’s go over the plan one more time.”

Ian unrolled a long printout of a satellite photo of the compound. The three men bent over it, pointing at certain places and throwing out the occasional terse monosyllabic remark or question to one another. Rhianne caught her name, muttered by Ian, then Charlie glancing over at her.

“What?” she demanded. “And if it’s to tell me I’m staying behind, you can shove—”

“No.” Charlie held up a hand. “You’re familiar with the term ‘simultaneous ingress,’ referring to infiltration?”

“Yes. Approach from more than one point at the same time.” She nodded at the small circles drawn on the map, one drawing her attention. “Including the main gate?”

Charlie shot another quick glance at the other two. “Yes. But going back there is not going to be easy for you.”

“It’s not, no. But it’s what I’ll do, if it’s part of the plan,” she assured the team. “If it means catching Arturo and freeing Robyn and the rest of the girls.”

“It’s classic bait and ambush.” Eric used the thumbs and forefingers of both hands to indicate the four points of entry on the map and slid his fingertips inward, like a pincer.

“The cartel is probably planning for that,” Ian pointed out.

“Even if they are, they haven’t come up against the Bronte team.” Rhianne made it clear she included herself as part of it. “What do you need from me?”

“You’ve got an FBI contact, right?” Charlie asked.

“Yeah, Chase Broderick. I’ll call him.”

Thankfully, he picked up right away. Probably a combination of her number plus the early hour, she supposed. She was glad to hear his voice. “Yes, I have news about Robyn, and a hell of a lot more,” she replied to his inquiry. “I’m here with Bronte Security Services, three former SEALs who took over this case. You’re going to want to take notes…”

Charlie soon took over the conversation, relating the details of the auction, and Rhianne was glad to let him. It left her nauseated even to think of it. She didn’t want to imagine how ill she’d feel if she had to force the words out.

“Hold on.” Chase’s normally calm voice, on speakerphone, sounded incredulous. “I must be misunderstanding, because it seems to me that you’re planning—”

“To extract the women, yes,” Charlie confirmed. “I’m calling you because we’ll need help getting them over the border.”

Rhianne had never heard Chase make that sputtering noise before, or stammer when he tried to reply, his reactions tripping his tongue. She crossed her fingers, willing him to come through for them.

“I’m not happy about your team moving in on your own, but you’ll get your support,” he said finally. “I’ll get a team your way as soon as I can.”

“Good enough for me.” Thanking him, Charlie hung up. He flashed a grin at Rhianne. “Good thing you have a friend in a high place, happy to stick his neck out for you.”

“He’s a good guy,” she agreed. “A good friend, too.” She caught Eric’s gaze on her, although he quickly looked away. Rhianne tried to decipher Eric’s expression. Did he think she and Chase were more than friends? The idea was laughable, but Eric didn’t know that.

She should say something to him. Not just about any possible misplaced jealousy, but about everything else they had to clear up. She’d taken a half-step toward him, intending to ask him to go into the other room with her to speak in private, when she paused.

“Rhianne?” Eric asked, as if reading her mind.

“I…”No.They needed to keep their focus on finishing the mission. “I was going to ask what more I can do to help right now,” she improvised.
