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From appearances, Suyoung is flirtatiously laughing at my warning. Nestling her cheek on my chest, she murmurs, “Remember the time in Rome. Best fuck Fuyoung and I ever had.”

“I don’t recall.” I offer a cocksure smile. Another round of exaggerated laughter exits Suyoung’s wide mouth. I feel Luxury’s eyes penetrate my spine while I play the cat-and-mouse game with one part of the Siamese Twins, a Thai assassin duo. Suyoung was too foolish to lie about her name on our first encounter. Also, a bit of recon, confirmed the cunt and her sister’s identities via facial recognition. Instead of exploring the area for Fuyoung, I attend to the meeker of the two.

“I expired the witness for the US presidential scandal.” Suyoung brags while brushing her cheek against my chest. The effect has my cock at attention, and she’s licking her lips in awareness. “Your scent is to die for.”

“Yes, that witness.” I revert to her earlier statement. “I grew bored searching for alternative ways to murder the president’s little secret. To be blunt, I had a reasonable number of cunts in Rome. I still don’t recall fucking the two of you. A hydro bullet right here,” I run my hand through her hair while my thumb presses the center of her forehead, “always does the trick. Still, the monotony of it all ruins the kill.”

A thunderstorm lights in her dark eyes. “Hahahaha, well, I’ll be sure to consider something more creative for Luxur—”

I inject a lethal serum equipped within my Rolex watch into the pulsating carotid artery at her neck. Suyoung’s body tenses as liquid fire scorches through her veins. Paralyzed, Suyoung slumps into my arms. Her extremities, then her organs, and last, her heart fails her.

“Take her toward the west exit of the rooftop.” Burt’s voice emits from the diminutive transmitter in my ear. “I’m already searching for the little minx’s twin.”

“Bravo, Burt.” As we exit the dance floor, Suyoung appears to be a very drunk yet leggy, dark angel in my arms.

“Victor, turn left. You’ll see a shaft in which to dispose of the riffraff.”

I discreetly observe my surroundings. Although on a rooftop, taller buildings border the perimeter. I’m confident Burt has orchestrated my every move as Suyoung falls into the dark hole.

There’s movement to my left. A man drawing from an import beer has a confused look on his face. “Hey—”

I crack his neck, tossing him in.

“Bert, there’s another gift for you.”

“Am I to presume it’s the eviler of the two?”

“You may not.”

I move away from the darkened corner, mingling into the crowd as techno causes a frenzy.

When I approach the table, I find Graham surrounded by women and more bottles.

“Where isshe?” I bark.

“Gone, you filthytosser!Luxury left the second you stole my date! Serves you right, Vic. She’s much better than any of the girls falling at your feet.” Graham turns to the women and shouts, “Body shots!”

I push through the crowd a bit harder than necessary. There’s a group at the lift, none of which is my angry date, so I hustle down the stairs, two at a time. Jumping the last step, I turn around and around. Fuck me, fifteen stories.

“Burt,” I hiss.

“Don’t worry. I’m on it. Fuyoung’s nearby. I’ve placed the bodies in the trunk. Allow me to—”

“She’s not important at the moment.Find—”

“Don’t be snippy with me, Victor. This is your cock-up,” he scoffs. Movement sounds on his part as he vigorously searches. After more fatherly reprimanding, he concludes, “The club is clear.”

Incensed, I continue to descend with a single floor left. “Are you finished assuming thatwanker’s role?”

“Well, yes.”

“And itisa little bit your fault.” I jump down the last step and quickly pass through the double doors and outside to a side street. “Lux vanished,” I say as my eyes adjust to the darkness.Did she slip down a side street? God forbid a bloody alley?

“I’ve cleared the east and south locations. Vic, I’m working on the west. Your young lady deserves better; thus,I’mdoing everything humanly possible to ensure she’s not in Fuyoung’s line of fire. Rant complete!”

I survey the north area. With the nightly closure of most establishments, dark extends as far as the eye can see. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I reconsider the dynamics. Could Luxury have commissioned a taxi already?

My chest tightens. If something happened.

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