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The air back there was clear, but it still smelled like grilled

burgers. The sun was in the lower stages of getting ready to set

for the night.

Quinn just stood shoulder to shoulder beside Dallas. “I told

you it would be fine.”

Dallas softened. “It felt like all the other times I’ve been

here for this, except instead of sweet sixteens or welcoming

Billy into his teen years, Danica’s suddenly thirty.”

“My parents can’t believe it. They said so, but they meant


“It was good to be here. The house looks exactly the same.

Almost. It’s so- I never thought I’d be here again. I was

thinking that when I walked in.”

Quinn’s fingers curled around Dallas’. “You could stay,

you know. Or maybe not stay, stay, but come back.”

“I- I just don’t know. I want to, but I do have all that other


“A life. Yeah. I know.”

“It’s not just that. I mean, I haven’t even told my parents

that I’m here.” Dallas realized, too late, that it was the worst

thing she could have said.

She watched Quinn’s face contort and change. Dallas knew

what Quinn was thinking, and she couldn’t take back what

she’d just said. If she explained it now, would Quinn listen?

Would it just seem like Dallas was guilty of trying to hide

something? Would Quinn believe anything she said about


“No,” Dallas tried. “It’s not like that. I just got

overwhelmed when I got the call from the lawyer about your

grandpa leaving me money. I didn’t know how to tell them
