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careers, even if they were probably getting to that point where

they might think about retirement, was probably quite slim.

“Are you thinking about all the logistics?” Dallas


“Yeah.” Dallas glanced at the GPS and made a left

turn. “Are you?”

“Kind of. I’m trying not to. I’m trying not to have to

think about what it’s going to feel like when I’m gone and

we’re in separate states.”

“It will just feel like a computer screen. That’s all. It

won’t be lonely if we can see each other and talk to each

other.” Quinn was talking a lot braver than she actually felt.

“We did manage to go ten years before this. A few months

should be easy.”

“I think that might make it harder.”

Quinn gripped the wheel. She paid attention to the

traffic moving in front of her and pretended to be far more

interested in the GPS directions that she actually was.

“The good news is,” Dallas said, sensing that their

conversation wasn’t making anything easier for either of them,

“is that I have lots of leave time saved up. I hardly ever take

any holidays or sick days or anything, so I can come back here

more often. I’ll just watch for seat sales.”

“And you can obviously stay with me, so you wouldn’t

have to pay for a hotel. And you wouldn’t need to get a rental.

I could drive you around or you could use my car.”

Dallas nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” She decided to

change the subject while they were ahead. “So. What kind of

music does your friend’s band play?”

“Honestly, I’m not even sure. I think it might be jazz,
