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mechanism in order to keep her heart from shattering.

“It’s not about time. I’d say it’s more about

circumstance. Ouch, Danica!”

Dallas didn’t ask what had happened. She imagined

Danica pinching Quinn on the leg or something. Dallas knew

that Danica had driven Quinn to the airport, or that she was

supposed to. She figured that they’d gone and Quinn had

bailed last minute and that’s why they were still in the car.

Danica was probably driving them back home and she

probably wasn’t happy about it. It might be a Saturday

morning, but no one liked to get up at the crack of dawn. It

was more than that. Dallas kind of thought that Danica was

rooting for them.

“I don’t really understand what that means,” Dallas

said in a watered down voice. She didn’t sound one bit like her

regular self.

“We live in different cities.” Quinn’s voice wavered

too and Dallas knew it wasn’t just the car hitting potholes or

bumps in the street.

“I’m aware.”

“I’m never going to want to leave here and you’re

never going to want to leave where you are, so I don’t see how

it could work.”

“You should have come.” Dallas swiped her hand

across her misty eyes. “We could have talked about this here.”

“I told her she should have come!” Danica yelled from

the background. “I told her she was being a poo pants and a

butt face.”

Dallas did her best imitation of a smile, even if it was

only for herself. If Danica was working on Quinn and Dallas
