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beard that was as jet black as his hair. With his size and that

huge beard, he could probably pretty easily moonlight as a

pirate. “That’s on the seventh floor.” He peeled off a visitor

pass and got Dallas to sign her name on a check in sheet.

As she stepped into the elevator and hit the button to take

her up, Dallas thought that it was a good thing that she didn’t

have anything else to do or anywhere to be. Just getting to the

lawyer’s office had eaten up a huge chunk of her morning.

She was greeted on the seventh floor by an equally

friendly receptionist. The lady was probably in her late forties.

She was wearing a purple power suit and a huge, genuine

smile. Dallas declined the offer of water, coffee, or tea, and

just sat down to wait.

Thankfully, Jim Johnson didn’t leave her waiting. She’d

called him to say that she’d be there that morning, but she

hadn’t given a time, since she wasn’t sure if her plane would

be late or how long it would take her to drive there.

Apparently, Jim thought that was fine and told her to come in


He walked right into the waiting area to get her. At first,

Dallas couldn’t believe that the Jim in person was the same

guy on the phone. He wasn’t middle aged like she thought. He

was young, probably fresh out of law school. He had a huge,

athletic frame and stood well over six feet. His flashing blue

eyes, white teeth, and sharp jawline, combined with his sandy

blonde hair, probably drew female attention in the office- or

wherever he went.

Dallas noticed that he was good looking, but she noticed i


that way she’d always noticed a good looking guy. Just as a
