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It felt a little like she’d taken a nose dive straight into a cactus.

“You wouldn’t believe anything I told you right now.”

“You said we had things to talk about. I don’t know what

they are, because anything we should have discussed should

have been said a long time ago.”

“I want to tell you, but I don’t think you’ll listen. You’re

angry. You’re-”

“Yeah, I’m angry!” Quinn’s eyes flashed. “Maybe angry

isn’t the right word. Maybe annoyed is the right term. I’m

annoyed. I’m annoyed because you’re here and you want to

talk about something, but there isn’t anything to say. I’m

annoyed that I had to come sign those papers. I’m annoyed

that seeing you again makes me feel totally off. I’m annoyed

that even though I told myself I wasn’t going to react, I’m

obviously reacting.”

Seeing you again makes me feel totally off. Dallas had no

idea what Quinn meant. She could mean anything. Off wasn’t

a good descriptor. Dallas felt off. She’d felt off for a very long

time. Off meant a ton of things. Off could be used in place of

any emotion.


at’s understandable. This isn’t easy-”

“Easy?” Quinn scoffed. “Of course it’s not easy!”

A woman pushing a stroller gave them a funny look as she

passed them on the sidewalk. A group of guys in suits walked

by too, but they didn’t glance their way. It was probably easier

for them not to. It would just be awkward to acknowledge the

argument going on in the middle of the city sidewalk.

“I know.” Dallas closed her eyes briefly.

She’d played this out so many times in her head before
