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away. She was going to cry and she was going to do it in this

alley that smelled like leftover fries and burgers. Or maybe

that was old gym socks. God, it stank like something foul had

been fried and that’s the place she’d picked to have this

conversation. Apparently where she was going to go through

the fallout too. She’d rather cry it out with the old fries than

walk down the sidewalk one heck of a hot mess for anyone to


Quinn blinked a couple more times and surprisingly,

she looked like she was going to be okay. Dallas was torn

between feeling crazy relief and crazy heartache over the

stoicism. She wanted Quinn to be okay, but man, it hurt that

she was, just like that.

“You’ve made it this long without contacting us,”

Quinn hissed. “Please just leave us all alone. Leave me alone.”

Dallas moved her head up and down mechanically.


“I’ve done enough for you today. And yesterday. More

than enough.”

“I know.”

Quinn craned her head up towards the sky. Her long

hair shimmered down her back with the movement. “I’ve done

enough for you now, Grampy.”

Dallas understood that Quinn knew that her

grandfather was trying to bring them back together. Trying to

give them one last shot. He was stubborn. He wasn’t going to

be denied. He’d brought them together physically, in the same

room, in the same space. He’d managed to do it, but physical

proximity couldn’t fix anything.

She could only watch, pretty dang helplessly, as Quinn
