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couple days for her. She’d seen Quinn again. Told her

everything. Had her walk out on her. At least Quinn knew

now. That was the best Dallas could do. Or so she told herself.

When she didn’t have Quinn’s number or address, maybe it

was really the best she could have hoped for, old fry smell

from the alleyway aside.

She knelt down a little harder, tugged the zipper one last

time, and aha! Dallas sat down on the edge of the bed and

smirked at the thing. She was ready for her flight, a whole four

hours before she had to be at the airport, but whatever. She had

her phone and she had a book left out. She’d be alright.

Dallas grabbed the book that she knew she probably

wasn’t going to be able to concentrate on and shifted up on the

bed so that her back was against the headboard. She cracked

the cover and stared at the first page. It was about leadership

styles. She was reading it for work. Or she was going to read

it. She hadn’t actually started and they were having a small

workshop on the book the following week. She was in HR.

She knew it was important to read the materials the company

gave her. Unlike many workplaces, she loved that hers

believed in treating people fairly and giving equal opportunity

to people during the hiring process. What the book on

leadership had to do with her actual job hiring people for a

large insurance company, she wasn’t exactly sure, but if they

wanted her to read it, then she’d read it.

Dallas was about to settle into the book when a sharp

knock sounded at the door.

She jerked back and stared at it without moving an inch.

Probably someone with the wrong room. Housekeeping

had already tried to clean her room earlier, but she informed
