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work. People don’t care. It’s totally toxic. I want to get out, but

I haven’t found anything else.”

Dallas gaped at Quinn. “You work in insurance?”

“Yeah? Why? Are you going to tell me that I have so

much more untapped potential? Believe me, my parents give

me that speech all the time. In a loving manner, I might add,

but still.”

“I- I work in insurance too.”

“No you don’t!”

“Yeah. I do.”

“Are you for real?”

“I am. But I like my job. The company I work for is

great. It’s not toxic. It’s- it’s good.”

“That’s so weird. Neither of us would have ever have

seen our teenage selves doing that. Please tell me you don’t

have an English degree too. That would be entirely too


“No. I work in human resources. That was my major. I

have a business degree.”

“Crazy,” Quinn muttered. She jumped off the bed like

it had grown a set of feet and booted her. “I wanted to say that

I told Danica and Billy and we- sort of understand. I’ll talk to

my parents. I know that they’ll sort of, or mostly, understand

too. That’s really all I came to say. I should go, though. Get

back to the shitty job that I hate.”

Quinn was leaving. She was the one running now.

Dallas had a flight to catch in a few hours. But she still had

those few hours. Her eyes danced towards the book she hadn’t

read a single word of. She’d so much rather spend the time

with Quinn, even if it was awkward and hard, than spend it
