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I’m just trying to do what he said.”

“I don’t know how to do that.” Quinn brushed at her eyes

with the back of her hand. It didn’t really help. The water just

kept on coming.

“Jeez, Louise,” Danica muttered. She came and sat down

beside Quinn and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“I don’t know why you always say that,” Quinn snorted.

“We don’t even know anyone named Louise.”

“Easier to blame her then, I guess.” Danica squeezed

Quinn’s arm. “It’s going to be okay. He wouldn’t want us to be

sad, so I’m trying not to be. Grampy would have kicked our

butts if he was here now and he saw us moping around. We

had two years with him after he found out he was sick. He did

everything to prepare us and provide for us.”

“I know,” Quinn sniffled. “It’s just hard. I’ve reached for

my phone like fifty times to call him and then I remember that

he’s not there. He’s never going to be there again.”

Danica reached up and brushed at her eyes too. “For pity’s

sake. Now I’m starting.”


“Don’t be. I guess maybe Grampy would understand a few

tears. I guess he’d think that we were just being reasonable.

We just need time to get over the fact that he’s not here. It’s a

big adjustment. I feel like there’s a huge hole in my life now

too. But like most holes, it’ll probably start to fill up and get

smaller and smaller.”

“Yeah, probably in like twenty years.”

“Way to think positive.” Danica punched Quinn lightly in

the shoulder and stood. “Holy cactuses, I forgot to turn that

straightener off. Lucky it doesn’t get that hot anymore.” She
