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Fic:A Pleasure to Burn


Chapter 1 of?

3,164 words

Pairing:Pyro Storm/Original Male Character

Rated:PG-13(Ratingwillgo up)

Tags:True Love,Pining,Gentle Pyro Storm,Happy Ending,First Kiss,More than First Kiss,Fluffy Like a Cloud,So Much Violence,Evil Shadow Star,Bakery AU,Anti–Rebecca Firestone

Chapter 1: Everything Will Be Okay, I Promise

Author’s Note:Hi, and welcome to my fic! You’re probably wondering who I am. I’m not exactly new to the Extraordinaries fandom, but I’ve decided to start fresh given… certain events that I can’t really talk about due to… reasons. So, new me, new screen name! I’ve worked hard on this, and I can’t wait for you to see where it goes. I live for comments, so please let me know what you think! Unless you’re going to be a jerk, then don’t even bother. And MIND THE TAGS. This is hardcore anti–Rebecca Firestone and I won’t apologize for it. This is beta read by my awesome boyfriend. YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

Nash Bellin groaned as his alarm went off. Given that he owned his own bakery/detective agency, he was used to the early hours, but some days, it wasn’t easy crawling out of bed at three in the morning, even if scones needed baking and crime needed fighting. It didn’t help that his ADHD caused his brain to never shut up, but he’d learned that having a disorder didn’t makehimdisordered. It was part of him, his very own superpower.

He reached over and slammed his hand against the alarm, cutting it off. He yawned, stretching his arms above his head. He groaned as his back popped deliciously. He was about to push himself out of bed when a crash came from below.

Nash shot upright, heart thundering in his chest. The crash had come from downstairs in his bakery that also served as client intake. He’d lived above his shop for close to a year and had never had a problem. He thought quickly as he climbed out of bed, wincing at the cold floor against his bare feet. If someone was breaking in to steal, they’d quickly realize they’d messed with the wrong baker detective.

He crept toward the door, grabbing the baseball bat his father had given him, even though baseball was the most boring game ever created. He clutched the ash handle, choking up on the grip like Dad showed him. He opened the door.


He moved quickly and quietly toward the stairs. He stopped at the top, peering down into the darkness. He thought he heard a low groan, but it could have just been the wind.

He took the steps one at a time, avoiding the next-to-last step that always creaked. When he reached the hallway that led to the storefront, he pressed himself against the wall, sliding down.

He took a deep breath as he reached the end of the hall. He kissed the tip of his bat and whispered his amazing catchphrase: “It’s time to take out the trash.”

He jumped out from the hallway, bat raised above his head. He looked badass and terrifying.

And there, slumped against the confectionary display case, bloodied and bruised, was a costumed man, his cape in tatters.

The man looked up at him. “Are you Nash Bellin?” he asked in his deep and sexy voice. He was also really muscular, and even though he was hurt, he was very attractive.

Nash lowered the bat. “I am. Who the frick are you? What are you doing in my bakery?”

The man grimaced behind his mask. “I’m not here for the baker. I’m here for the detective. I need your help, Nash Bellin. You’re the only one I can trust, even though I’ve been hurt before.” He looked off into nothing, filled with quiet strength and angst. “You’re the savior this world needs.”

Nash sighed. “I always knew I’d get pulled back in. It was only a matter of time.” And with that, he strode forward toward the man, not knowing then that they would soon be in love and having mind-blowing sex in a variety of positions. “You might as well start from the beginning. What’s threatening the world this time and how can I help?”
