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His eyes widened. “Oh my god,” he whispered. “I just had a terrible idea.”

He jumped up, rushing toward TK, who stood his groundagainst an onslaught of ice being flung toward him. Nick almost slid into him but managed to stop before he crashed. “I need you to trust me,” he hissed as TK broke another wave of ice.

TK didn’t hesitate. “Whatever you’re thinking, do it and do itnow.”

Nick lifted his head, taking a deep breath. He turned, pressing his back against TK’s, letting the Extraordinary handle the attack so he could focus. He let his breath out slow and raised his hands toward the ceiling.

He pushed.

Nothing happened.



“Come on,” he muttered. “Comeon.”

Nothing. It didn’t work. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t


He looked toward the sound of his name.

Dad, near a pair of doors, pushing kids out and into safety. Dad took a step toward him, chest heaving. “You’ve got this!” Dad shouted at him. “You cando it.”

Nick grinned. “Damn right I can.”

He stretched his hands higher and pushed again. This time, the metal struts above him began to move from side to side, creaking and groaning. He ground his teeth together as the pressure built in his head, but it wasn’t as big as it used to be. It didn’t hurt. It feltgood, and at least a dozen struts of varying lengths broke off in a metallic shriek. They hovered near the ceiling, wobbling until they smoothed out.

Nick stepped out from behind TK, hands still raised in the air.

Smoke and Ice stood side by side.

Nick said, “I’m about to show you why youneverfuck with queer people.” He dropped his hands quickly, slapping them against his legs.

The struts hurtled toward the ground, the air whistling around them. The first struck the floor in front of Smoke, breaking through the tile, standing upright and quivering. Then another.Then another. Then another, slamming into the ground again and again, surrounding Smoke and Ice, who snarled angrily. The last strut hit the floor. Smoke and Ice were surrounded by metal bars, most of which still shook from the impact.

“This will not hold us,” Smoke said.

“You have lost,” Ice said, taking a step toward them, feet sliding through the water on the floor.

Nick rolled his eyes. “Oh my god, do you ever shut up?”

Smoke began to dissipate, moving to pass through the bars.

Ice gathered the air around him, another spike forming above his head.

Nick startled when Jazz and Gibby appeared on either side of him. “Pyro Storm!” Gibby shouted. “Miss Conduct! Hit them with all you’ve got!”

“TK,” Jazz said. “Nick. Hold those struts in place. Don’t let them move.”

Without hesitation, Nick and TK raised their hands toward the struts. The symphony rose between them again, and the struts quivered before sinking further into the floor with a loudcrack.

Ice and Smoke screamed as a tornado of fire rose around them in a roar, the heat immense, causing the metal struts to flash molten hot, the spike of ice shattering and hissing as the water splashed to the floor. Lightning arced down the metal bars, striking the water. Ice began to seize as electricity coursed through him, limbs stiff, head rocked back.

The column of smoke was halfway through the metal bars when they were struck by the combined powers of Nick and TK, Pyro Storm and Miss Conduct. The smoke began to shudder as it morphed into a roiling ball of black. It tried to force itself through the struts, but Nick ground his teeth together as he forced the struts closer together. The ball of smoke pulled back abruptly before it battered against the struts, causing them to creak and groan, but it was already too late. The moment it touched the metal, the ball re-formed into a woman, and she screamed as she was electrocuted. Nick wanted to push harder, make them regret hurting his friends, his family, his people. Kill them both for—

“No,” Gibby whispered near his ear. “Let it go, Nicky. Just let it go.”
